It is a building _______workers make many mobilephones.
【单选题】 In a room above the store, where a party __________,some workers were busily setting the table.
①  was to be held
②  has been held
③  will be held
④  is being held
【单选题】 40. Many workers were organized to clear away ______remained of the World Trade Center.
①  those
②  that
③  what
④  where
【单选题】 One-room schoolhouses can still be found in ___ areas where there are no other schools for many miles.
①  disposed
②  deserted
③  isolated
④  abandoned
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”The workers are building a flower bed in the garden.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Curiosty [] imagination are imporant qualities which help stimulate the discovery of many facts abut science.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 As a ( ) student, he enjoys many conveniences and resources which are only wild wishes for other average ones.
①  tip
②  tap
③  top
④  pat
【单选题】 Computer classes must be __________ to every student of all grades, which will make them have a good command of the modern communication and learning tool.
①  accessible
②  avoidable
③  valuable
④  acceptable
【单选题】 The workers are busy ____models for the exhibition.
①  to make
②  with making
③  being making
④  making
【单选题】 A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than where citizens come from _________ backgrounds.
①  identical
②  dramatic
③  extensive
④  diverse
【判断题】 阅读课文II.Which Is Stronger? 判断正误5. Is it true a man may lead a horse to the eater but he cannot make him drink?
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 按公债发行是否附带应募条件为标准,可分为( )。
①  强制公债
②  自由公债
③  可转让公债
④  不可转让公债
【单选题】 我国财政收入的主要形式为( )
①  国有资产收益
②  公债收入
③  税收收入
④  行政收入
【单选题】 从社会产品价值构成来看,财政收入主要来自于( )
①  C部分
②  V部分
③  M部分
④  V+M部分
【单选题】 税负转嫁的方式不包含( )。
①  前转
②  后转
③  税收资本化
④  同时转嫁
【单选题】 政府非税收入的分类按照国有产权综合效益最大化性进行分类不包括( )。
①  国有资源有偿使用收入
②  国有资产有偿使用收入
③  国有资产经营收益
④  罚没收入
【单选题】 下列商品课税中,税负最容易转嫁的是( )。
①  对供应弹性大,需求弹性小的商品的课税
②  对供应弹性大,需求弹性大的商品的课税
③  对供应弹性小,需求弹性小的商品的课税
④  对供应弹性小,需求弹性大的商品的课税
【多选题】 财政支出按照经济性质进行分类分为( )。
①  购买性支出
②  转移性支出
③  投资性支出
④  基本建设支出
【判断题】 市场经济下社会保障制度具有“内在稳定器“的作用。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 农业发展的根本途径是改善农业的生产条件,改善农业生产条件的必要条件之一是增加对农业的投入,因而安排好农业投入的资金来源是一个必须解决的重要问题。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 财政补贴有调整需求结构和供给结构的作用,是政府调节经济运行的政策手 段,因此多多益善。( )
①  正确
②  错误