Everything_______ if the brigade hadnt cotrolled the fire.
will be destroyed
will have been destroyed
would have been destroyed
【单选题】 Everything ______ if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade.
①  will be destroyed
②  would be destroyed
③  would have been destroyed
④  will have been destroyed
【单选题】 Everything ______ if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade.
①  will be destroyed
②  would be destroyed
③  would have been destroyed
④  will have been destroyed
【单选题】 They had only _________ in that house for three weeks when fire destroyed it.
①  to live
②  living
③  lived
④  been lived
【单选题】 They had only _________ in that house for three weeks when fire destroyed it.
①  to live
②  living
③  lived
④  been lived
【单选题】 If the whole program __________ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.
①  was not planned
②  were not planned
③  would not be planned
④  had not been planned
【单选题】 When a fire____ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.
①  broke off
②  broke out
③  broke down
④  broke up
【单选题】 22. When a fire ______ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.
①  broke off
②  broke out
③  broke down
④  broke up
【单选题】 The hospital is said to have been ________________ in the Second World War.
①  declined
②  destroyed
③  decided
④  demanded
【单选题】 I have been at home [填空]Sunday.
①  on
②  for
③  at
④  since
【单选题】 A: Have you ever been to Huangshan? B:[填空].
①  No. Twice
②  I went there twice
③  Yes. Twice
④  Yes. Ill go there next month
【单选题】 施瓦布倡导的实践性课程开发的主体应是
①  课程集体
②  学科专家
③  课程专家
④  一线教师
【单选题】 布鲁姆等人的教育目标分类学包括
①  认知领域、情感领域、动作技能领域
②  智力技能、认知策略、言语信息
③  智力技能、态度、动作技能
④  认知领域、态度、言语信息
【单选题】 在课程实施的忠实取向看来,课程变革是
①  教师和学生个性的成长与发展过程
②  一个复杂的、非线性的和不可预知的过程
③  一种线性过程
④  全面更新课程内容的过程
【单选题】 “泰勒原理”的深层价值取向是
①  技术兴趣
②  实践兴趣
③  解放兴趣
④  建构兴趣
【单选题】 旨在阐明“把一切事物教给一切人类的全部艺术”的经典教育著作是
①  《教学的艺术》
②  《大教学论》
③  《实验教学论》
④  《教育学讲授纲要》
【单选题】 “泰勒原理”的实践基础是
①  活动分析
②  解放兴趣
③  八年研究
④  泰罗主义
【单选题】 浪漫自然主义经验课程的代表人物是
①  杜威
②  卢梭
③  斯宾塞
④  夸美纽斯
【单选题】 创设含有真实事件或真实问题的情境,学生在探究事件或解决问题的过程中自主地理解知识、建构意义,这种教学模式称为
①  情境教学
②  支架式教学
③  灌输教学
④  随机访问教学
【单选题】 提出的“什么知识最有价值”的命题可以说是在课程论发展史上第一次明确提出了课程选择的问题
①  奥苏伯尔
②  斯宾塞
③  杜威
④  洛克
【单选题】 把课程分为理想的、正式的、理解的、运作的、经验的五个不同层次的是
①  古德莱德
②  查特斯
③  斯金纳
④  杜威