Has he _______ the chair _______ yet?
had, mend
had, mending
got, mended
【单选题】 Have they had the broken windowpanes [填空] yet?
①  repalcing
②  to repalce
③  replaced
④  repalce
【单选题】 If he had worked harder, he ___.
①  would succeed
②  had succeeded
③  should succeed
④  would have succeeded
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【单选题】 They haven’t had the broken desk_______ yet.
①  to replace
②  replace
③  replaced
【单选题】 Had he worked hard, he _____ the exams.
①  must have got through
②  would have got through
③  would get through
④  could get through
【单选题】 He didn’t keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch ____.?
①  repaired ?
②  to repair ?
③  repairing ?
④  repair?
【多选题】 He was on the top of the mountain,and he had ______ breathing.
①  A.problems
②  B..trouble
③  C.question
④  D.puzzle
【单选题】 She got married although her parents had not given her their ___.
①  allowance
②  consent
③  permit
④  appreciation
【单选题】 If I had remembered __________ the window, the thief would not have got in.
①  to close
②  closing
③  to have closed
④  having closed
【单选题】 When I got up this morning, I felt the temperature had ____.
①  sunk
②  reduced
③  dropped
④  lowed
【单选题】 下面的公式正确的是
①  A、外墙条形基础工程量=L外×基础断面面积
②  B、外墙条形基础工程量=L内×基础断面面积
③  C、柱间条形基础工程量=L内×基础断面面积
④  D、柱间条形基础工程量=L中×基础断面面积
【单选题】 根据我国现行建筑安装工程费用项目组成的规定,仪器仪表使用费应计入()。
①  现场经费
②  材料费
③  施工机具使用费
④  措施项目费
【单选题】 下列有关建筑面积计算的说法错误的是()
①  建筑物的门厅、大厅按一层计算建筑面积
②  建筑物吊脚架空层,结构净高在2.10m及以上的部位计算全面积
③  门厅、大厅内设有走廊时,应按其结构地板水平面积计算
④  建筑物间有围护结构的架空走廊、应按其围护结构外围水平面积计算
【单选题】 当建筑物顶部的水箱间层高为2.10m时,应按()计算建筑面积
①  全面积
②  1/2面积
③  1/4面积
④  不计算
【单选题】 哪些工程称为单项工程()
①  办公楼、门窗
②  土建、安装工程
③  图书馆、食堂
④  住宅、砌筑工程
【单选题】 施工企业为了组织生产和加强管理,在企业内部使用的一种定额称为()。
①  企业定额
②  预算定额
③  概算定额
④  工期定额
【单选题】 在混凝土工程量计算中,关于柱高的规定下列表述中错误的是()
①  有梁板的柱高,自柱基上表面至上一层楼板上表面之间的高度计算
②  无梁板的柱高,自柱基上表面至柱帽下表面之间的高度计算
③  框架柱的柱高,自柱基上表面至柱顶高度计算
④  有梁板的柱高,自柱基上表面至上一层楼板下表面之间的高度计算
【单选题】 下列说法正确的是()。
①  定额工程量计算中,所有保温层都按m3计算
②  保温层厚度不计入建筑面积
③  保温材料为聚氨脂发泡的以m2计算
④  保温材料为水泥蛭石的以m2计算
【单选题】 单层建筑物高度不足2.20m者()建筑面积
①  计算1/2
②  不计算
③  但高度大于1.2m时计算1/2
④  全算
【单选题】 附墙垛基础宽出部分体积应如何算。
①  单独计算
②  根据实际情况计算
③  并入基础工程量内计算
④  不必计算