We [填空] very soon.
are leaving
is leaving;
will leave
【单选题】 A: When does the next train for London leave? B: Theres one leaving at 8 oclock. A: [填空]
①  Are you sure?
②  OK. I dont want to be late.
③  Thanks. Could you wait for me?
④  Id like one ticket, please.
【单选题】 The train is leaving [填空] Beijing.
①  for
②  at
③  in
④  of
【单选题】 ________ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.
①  Since
②  While
③  For
④  Before
【单选题】 ______ you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.
①  For
②  Since
③  Before
④  While
【单选题】 He’s leaving for?Hong Kong?and he’ll stay?[填空]?for two weeks.
①  at there
②  there
③  in there
④  in here
【单选题】 She asked me when I ?[填空] leave.
①  will
②  is going to
③  would
④  should
【单选题】 If someone calls me, ask him or her to leave a [填空] .
①  message
②  letter
③  sentence
④  notice
【单选题】 As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____ grab a bite at the snack bar.
①  may well
②  just as well
③  might as well
④  as well
【单选题】 As the train will not leave until one hour later, we _____ grab a bite at the snack bar.
①  may well
②  just as well
③  might as well
④  as well
【单选题】 Dont forget ____ the window before leaving the room.
①  to have closed
②  to close
③  having closed
④  closing
【单选题】 老年急性髓系白血病中位发病年龄是多少()
①  67
②  50
③  48
④  55
⑤  80
【单选题】 老年人AML合并症评分轻度肺损伤的CCI指标是()
①  中等活动呼吸困难
②  轻微活动呼吸困难
③  静息时呼吸困难
④  DLco和/或FEV166%-80%
⑤  DLcoand/orFEV165%
【单选题】 属于老年AML常用功能评估指标的是()
①  认知状态
②  社会经济因素
③  合并疾病
④  精神状态
⑤  以上都对
【单选题】 老年AML治疗选择正确的是()
①  老年患者很少获益
②  高效低毒”是今后的趋势
③  白血病快速增殖(WBC>100000/mm3)者不能化疗
④  有呼吸道症状者只能支持治疗
⑤  有神经系统症状者不能化疗
【单选题】 影响老年人AML预后的因素()
①  病人身体因素
②  医务人员治疗经验
③  疾病生物学特征
④  病人药物耐受性
⑤  以上都对
【单选题】 以下关于色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎说法错误的是
①  对关节组织具有明显的侵袭性
②  好发于中老年
③  伴色素(含铁血黄素) 沉着
④  常有关节反复出血、肿胀
【单选题】 以下关于滑膜血管瘤说法错误的是
①  男性多见
②  关节肿胀,轻微疼痛
③  恶性肿瘤
④  最好发部位为膝关节,肘关节、腕关节、踝关节
【单选题】 滑膜软骨瘤好发于
①  青少年
②  青壮年
③  中老年
④  老年人
【单选题】 关于滑膜软骨瘤说法错误的是
①  又称滑膜软骨化生
②  原发性滑膜骨软骨瘤病可恶变为滑膜软骨肉瘤
③  男性发病少于女性
④  属良性关节内病变
【单选题】 以下关于腱鞘巨细胞瘤说法正确的是
①  生长部位分为骨内和骨外
②  是起源于腱鞘、粘液滑囊和关节滑膜的一类病变
③  局限型为局限性滑膜样巨噬细胞增生
④  根据生长方式分为局限型和扩散型。