It take me two hours to finish my work today.
【单选题】 The test [填空] him two hours to finish.
①  take
②  takes
③  took
④  taking
【单选题】 Ill finish my adult education courses_________ two years.
①  in
②  on
③  until
④  by
【单选题】 “Which of these two ties will you take?” “I’ll take ____to give me a change sometimes.”?
①  either ?
②  both ?
③  neither ?
④  all?
【单选题】 I haven’t finished my composition . I ________ for two hours and a half.
①  have written it
②  have been writing it
③  wrote it
④  am writing it
【单选题】 I haven’t finished my composition. I ___ for two hours and a half.
①  ?have written it
②  ?have been writing it
③  ?wrote it
④  am writing it
【单选题】 I haven’t finished my composition . I________ for two hours and a half.
①  have written it
②  have been writing it
③  wrote it
④  am writing it
【单选题】 I will take my daughter with me when I __________ Shanghai.
①  go to
②  will go to
③  have been to
④  have gone to
【单选题】 A: May I use your computer this afternoon? B: Im sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today. A: [填空].
①  It doesnt matter
②  Thank you just the same
③  Do as you please
④  Never mind
【单选题】 I will take my daughter with me when I_______ Shanghai.
①  go to
②  will go to
③  have been to
④  have gone to
【单选题】 My father_______take me to travel when I was a child.
①  was used to
②  used
③  used to
【单选题】 国际上定义宫口开大()为活跃期的起点
①  2-4cm
②  3-5cm
③  4-6cm
④  5-7cm
⑤  6-8cm
【单选题】 中转剖宫产中的头位难产的原因是哪些?
①  头位不正,头盆不称
②  产力异常
③  软产道异常
④  医源性因素
⑤  以上均是
【单选题】 下列说法错误的是?
①  鼓励孕妇自主进食来满足液体及热量的需求量,不需要常规持续静脉输液
②  如果孕妇出现阴道血性分泌物增多、排便感、胎心异常等,应立即行阴道检查
③  不需要采取医源性措施包括早期人工破膜、缩宫素催产及灌肠等,来预防产程延长
④  确定产程延长时可选择人工破膜及应用缩宫素。若破膜后已给予缩宫素静脉滴注8小时以上,可诊断引产失败,引产失败应剖宫产结束分娩
⑤  潜伏期的时间占总产程的绝大部分,孕妇对于镇痛的需求在潜伏期非常突出,联合应用药物和非药物的分娩镇痛的方法,最大程度上满足每位孕妇的要求
【单选题】 补阳还五汤主治证候不包括下列哪项
①  半身不遂
②  口眼歪斜
③  语言謇涩
④  舌质黯淡
⑤  脉弦有力
【单选题】 心脑血管疾病“四高一多”特点中的“四高”不包括下列哪项
①  发病率高
②  复发率高
③  死亡率高
④  致残率高
⑤  代谢率高
【单选题】 血府逐瘀汤主治证候不包括下列哪项
①  胸痛,头痛,日久不愈
②  痛如针刺而有定处
③  唇暗或两目暗黑
④  舌红苔黄或黄腻
⑤  脉涩或弦紧
【单选题】 下列哪类人不属于心脑血管疾病易患人群
①  长期从事脑力劳动的中老年人
②  缺乏体育锻炼的中老年人
③  经常食用过咸饭菜的中老年人
④  经常食用油腻过甜食品的中年人
⑤  从事野外工作饮食不规律的中青年人
【单选题】 血府逐瘀汤组成可以看成是桃红四物汤与四逆散合方再加下列哪组药物
①  桔梗 牛膝
②  丹参 川芎
③  枳实 厚朴
④  降香 柴胡
⑤  白芍 阿胶
【单选题】 痰湿体质总体特征是
①  脾气暴躁
②  形体消瘦
③  腹部肥满
④  口苦口干
⑤  消谷善饥
【单选题】 竹茹为()药
⑤  大肠