She cant get down to work because she was deeply __________ by the news of his death.

【单选题】 The hospital bed is no longer ______ by his wife because she is fine now.
①  overlooked
②  occupied
③  opened
④  Operated
【单选题】 Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
①  Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
②  cheerful
③  sad
④  selfish
【单选题】 She ( ) something wrong, because she’s looking so guilty
①  could have done
②  might have done
③  must have done
④  should have done
【单选题】 She ___________ in delight upon hearing the news.
①  claimed
②  exclaimed
③  whispered
④  murmured
【判断题】 She doesn’t do her work on weekdays, does she?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 _________ the news of Jims death, the old medical officer was proud of his daughters boyfriend.
①  At
②  On
③  In
④  Of
【单选题】 7. She is poor ______ she can hardly get anything to eat.
①  as much as
②  too much so that
③  so much so that
④  much more than
【单选题】 It was not until she had finished all her work_____.
①  did she return
②  that she returned
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【单选题】 On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she __________ pale.
①  got
②  changed
③  went
④  appeared
【单选题】 She will have to find somewhere else to work, for she can’t ____this loud noise any longer.
①  come up with
②  catch up with
③  keep up with
④  put up with
【判断题】 收入型基金以获取最大的经常性收入为目标,投资对象通常为高成长潜力的股票。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 以下关于优先认股权与认股权证的比较,正确的是()。
①  优先认股权是短期的股票看涨期权;认股权证是长期的股票看涨期权
②  优先认股权产生于公司发行普通股时;认股权证产生于公司发行债券或优先股时
③  优先认股权是对原股东的优惠;认股权证是对债权人和优先股股东的优惠
④  优先认股权可以进行单独交易;认股权证不能进行单独交易
【多选题】 间接投资的优点有()。
①  积少成多
②  续短为长
③  化分散为集中
④  分散风险
【判断题】 投资者通过购买基金单位间接投资于证券市场,与直接投资于股票债券相比,投资者不与发行人建立所有权关系或债权债务关系。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 优先股票的优越性只有在公司获利不多的情况下,才能充分显示出来,对保护优先股票的股东具有实际意义。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 证券投资净效用是指收益带来的正效用减去风险带来的负效用。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 证券投资在投资活动中占有突出的地位,其作用表现在 (),促进经济增长等方面。
①  使社会的闲散货币转化为投资资金
②  使储蓄转化为投资
③  促进资金合理流动
④  促进资源有效配置
【单选题】 以下各证券中,不需要进行信用评级的是()。
①  地方政府债券
②  普通股票
③  金融债券
④  公司债券
【判断题】 证券投资主体是指进入证券市场进行证券买卖的各类投资者。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 证券中介机构是指为证券市场参与者如发行者、投资者等提供相关服务的专职机构
①  正确
②  错误