My son’s birthday is at the?[填空] day of October.
the second
【单选题】 15.It was on the day my first son was born _____ I put them in the soil.
①  when
②  who
③  that
④  where
【单选题】 My son is Andy. My brother’s son is Ben. Andy and Ben are ____.
①  nephews
②  cousins
③  brothers
④  nieces
【单选题】 My friends [填空] me a nice present on my next birthday.
①  will gives
②  will give
③  gives
④  give
【单选题】 My aunt has three [填空].
①  child
②  childs
③  children
④  childrens
【单选题】 After so many years, he still ____ the hope that his lost son would return one day.
①  clang to
②  clung to
③  inclined to
④  subjected to
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 Joyce’s masterpiece, ______ gives and accounts of man’s life during one day (16 June, 1904).
①  Dubliners
②  Finnegans Wake
③  Ulysses
④  A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
【单选题】 Yesterday was my birthday. My mother .
①  made a cake to me
②  made a cake me
③  made for me a cake
④  made me a cake
【单选题】 The famous writer’s play, ________ in one of my books, was published in 1963.
①  to mention
②  mentioned
③  to be mentioned
④  mentioning
【单选题】 Every one was ____that day.
①  in great spirit
②  in all spirit
③  in high a spirit
④  in high spirit
【多选题】 幼儿律动活动的音乐应该具有什么特点
①  节奏清晰
②  结构工整
③  表现夸张
④  起伏明显
⑤  旋律优美
⑥  形象鲜明
【多选题】 现代舞也可以称为
①  当代舞
②  现代派舞蹈
③  国标舞
④  民族舞
【单选题】 由几岁儿童表演的舞蹈称为幼儿舞蹈
①  3-4岁
②  4-5岁
③  3-6岁
④  5-6岁
【判断题】 艺术本身是需要丰富的想象力和创造力
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 舞蹈的美体现在作品的哪些方面
①  姿态美
②  内容美
③  造型美
④  形式美
【多选题】 以下选项中属于幼儿的心理特征有
①  好动
②  善于模仿
③  好奇心强
④  喜欢幻想
【多选题】 指南中把幼儿的教育分为哪些领域
①  科学
②  社会
③  语言
④  健康
⑤  体育
【多选题】 古典舞在神韵动律上讲究提、冲、靠、腆以及哪些因素
【多选题】 幼儿舞蹈的教学方法有
①  提问法
②  示范法
③  重复法
④  练习法
【多选题】 模仿动作组合注重对模仿对象的表现,如
①  成人开车
②  种子发芽
③  舞蹈动作
④  小朋友起床梳洗