I go to the gym [填空] a week.
【单选题】 A: I go to the gym twice a week. B: [填空] You look really fit and healthy.
①  Thats right!
②  I can tell.
③  No way!
④  Poor you!
【单选题】 I go there ( ) a week.
①  two
②  twice
③  double
④  doubled
【单选题】 I try to___ swimming at least once a week.
①  do
②  play
③  go
【判断题】 I have my house cleaned once a week.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I to stay there for one more week,but I changed my mind.
①  was hoping
②  had hoped
③  Hoped
④  would have hoped
【单选题】 I have two hobbies. One is fishing, ____ is cooking.
①  another
②  the other
③  else
④  other
【单选题】 He said that his sister ?[填空]been there one week before
①  had
②  has
③  have
④  will have
【单选题】 Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a _______ one.
①  three
②  third
③  forth
④  不填
【单选题】 I often go to work on [填空].
①  foot
②  feet
③  foots
④  feets
【单选题】 Every time when I go back to my hometown, I usually spend two days ____ of my relatives.
①  going the rounds of
②  rounding up
③  making the rounds of
④  rounding on
【单选题】 一个链栈的栈顶指针是top,则执行出栈操作时(栈非空),用x保存被删除结点,则执行
①  x=top;top=top
②  -x=top
③  -top=top-x=top
④  -x=top-top=top-
【单选题】 对n个记录的文件进行快速排序,所需要的辅助存储空间大致为()
①  O(1)
②  O(n)
③  O(1og2n)
④  O(n2)
【单选题】 设某哈夫曼树中有199个结点,则该哈夫曼树中有()个叶子结点。
①  99
②  100
③  101
④  102
【单选题】 设有序表中的元素为(13,18,24,35,47,50,62),则在其中利用二分法查找值为24的元素需要经过()次比较。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【单选题】 数据的最小单位是()。
①  数据项
②  数据类型
③  数据元素
④  数据变量
【单选题】 利用直接插入排序法的思想建立一个有序线性表的时间复杂度为()。
①  O(n)
②  O(nlog2n)
③  O(n2)
④  O(1og2n)
【单选题】 二分查找要求结点
①  有序、顺序存储
②  有序、链接存储
③  无序、顺序存储
④  无序、链接存储
【单选题】 设一组初始记录关键字序列为(25,50,15,35,80,85,20,40,36,70),其中含有5个长度为2的有序子表,则用归并排序的方法对该记录关键字序列进行一趟归并后的结果为()。
①  15,25,35,50,20,40,80,85,36,70
②  15,25,35,50,80,20,85,40,70,36
③  15,25,35,50,80,85,20,36,40,70
④  15,25,35,50,80,20,36,40,70,85
【单选题】 在二叉排序树中插入一个关键字值的平均时间复杂度为()。
①  O(n)
②  O(1og2n)
③  O(nlog2n)
④  O(n2)
【单选题】 每一个存储结点只含有一个数据元素,数据元素按散列函数确定存储位置的存储方式是
①  顺序存储
②  链式存储
③  索引存储
④  散列存储