During the Second World War, once before, the U-boats had been _____ because of air attack.
in trouble
in the trouble
for trouble
within trouble

【单选题】 With the old man ____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
①  leading
②  led
③  lead
④  to be led
【单选题】 With the old man____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
①  lead
②  to be led
③  leading
④  led
【单选题】 He is always __________ (cause) trouble.
①  caused
②  cause
③  causing
【单选题】 If you check the route to your ____before starting off, you will save much trouble.
①  aim
②  purpose
③  destination
④  determination
【单选题】 I have trouble in ________ my homework.
①  do
②  done
③  doing
④  did
【单选题】 Before the final examination, some students have shown _______ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  remarks
④  signs
【单选题】 10. I _______ trouble finding the place.
①  didn’t have many
②  haven’t a great deal of
③  didn’t have much
④  hadn’t a lot of
【单选题】 Was it during the Second World War _________ he died?
①  then
②  in which
③  that
④  while
【单选题】 I remember _______ to help us if we ever got into trouble.
①  once offering
②  him once offering
③  him to offer
④  to offer him
【单选题】 Ive been telling you_____not to do that,but you neve listened to me.Thats why you got into trouble.
①  at times
②  time before time
③  time and again
④  for the time being
【单选题】 房间隔缺损的典型杂音是
①  胸骨左缘第2~3肋间舒张期杂音
②  胸骨左缘第3~4肋间舒张期杂音
③  胸骨左缘第2~3肋间收缩期杂音
④  胸骨左缘第3~4肋间收缩期杂音
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 不能进行室间隔缺损封堵术的是
①  膜周部室间隔缺损
②  肌部室间隔缺损
③  外伤性室间隔缺损
④  外科手术后残余分流
⑤  重度肺动脉高压伴双向分流者
【单选题】 新生儿期下述哪种疾病宜选用肺动脉环缩术
①  主动脉缩窄合并动脉导管未闭
②  共同动脉干
③  大动脉转位合并室缺
④  室间隔缺损合并主动脉瓣下狭窄
⑤  “瑞士奶酪”室间隔缺损合并心衰
【单选题】 STEMI患者合并非梗死血管狭窄时,以下哪种情况可以考虑在开通罪犯血管时同期开通非梗死血管
①  血流动力学稳定的STEMI合并多支血管病变患者
②  合并复杂多支非梗死性动脉疾病的STEMI患者
③  合并心源性休克的STEMI患者
④  血流动力学稳定的STEMI合并单支简单病变的患者
⑤  血流动力学稳定的STEMI合并单只复杂病变的患者
【单选题】 哪种NSTE-CAS患者应该立即实施侵入性策略
①  存在心源性休克
②  肌钙蛋白升高
③  GRACE>140分
④  年龄>75岁
⑤  ST-T动态改变
【单选题】 当FFR>()时,延迟PCI与长期MACE的低发生率相关
①  0.9
②  0.89
③  0.8
④  0.75
⑤  0.7
【单选题】 指南建议使用IVUS来指导哪种病变的PCI治疗
①  前降支近段病变
②  前降支中段病变
③  右冠中段病变
④  左主干病变
⑤  回旋支近段病变
【单选题】 左主干中度狭窄病变的评估方法中首选
①  OCT
③  FFR
④  iFR
【单选题】 慢性心衰合并快速房颤的药物治疗首选
①  奎尼丁
②  维拉帕米
③  普罗帕酮
④  洋地黄
⑤  普萘洛尔
【单选题】 左心衰最早出现的体征是
①  发绀
②  奔马律
③  肺底部湿罗音
④  肝脏肿大
⑤  二尖瓣区收缩期杂音