---I hear Faulen has taken up his business in London. ---Really? He has no business _________ and I’m sure he’ll fail.
【单选题】 He set up in business ____ his own and was very successful
①  in
②  of
③  on
④  by
【单选题】 -Johnson has promised us that he will help ?us out to his best ability. -I don’t buy it. In my opinion, ?he _______ so kind.
①  has been
②  is
③  was
④  is being
【单选题】 There is no doubt ____he will succeed in his business.
①  that
②  whether
③  what
④  if
【单选题】 7. As a teacher, he thinks his business is to stir up__________in his studentsrather than insist on obedience.
①  observation
②  curiosity
③  superiority
④  judgment
【单选题】 —Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.— .
①  Yes, they have some bad habits.
②  Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it.
③  Well, he like drawing.
【单选题】 He has been to Beijing . So [填空] I.
①  have
②  does
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 He’s not Greek. He _______ from London.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  came
【单选题】 When I worked as the general manager of the firm, I sometimes had ___ to visit London on business.
①  opportunity
②  possibility
③  occasion
④  chance
【单选题】 When Mr. Jones gets old, he will ____ his business to his son.
①  take over
②  hand over
③  think over
④  get over
【单选题】 —Be sure to get up earlier tomorrow morning. —______ , I’ll be as early as a bird.
①  No, I will
②  Of course not
③  I’m afraid I can
④  OK, I will
【单选题】 用朗肯土压力理论计算挡土墙土压力时,适用条件之一是 ( )。
①  墙后填土干燥
②  墙背粗糙
③  墙背直立
④  墙背倾斜
【单选题】 土坡稳定性分析方法中的推力传递法适用于( )滑动面。
①  圆弧
②  折线
③  圆弧折线复合
④  任意形状
【单选题】 地基临塑荷载( )。
①  与基础埋深无关
②  与基础宽度无关
③  与地下水位无关
④  与地基土软硬无关
【单选题】 对于( ),较易发生整体剪切破坏。
①  高压缩性土
②  中压缩性土
③  低压缩性土
④  软土
【单选题】 下列指标或系数中,( )库伦主动土压力系数无关。
①  γ
②  α
③  δ
④  φ
【单选题】 某无黏性土坡角β=24°,内摩擦角φ=36°,则稳定安全系数为( )。
①  1.46
②  1.50
③  1.63
④  1.70
【单选题】 当挡土墙后的填土处于被动极限平衡状态时,挡土墙( )。
①  在外荷载作用下推挤墙背土体
②  被土压力推动而偏离墙背土体
③  被土体限制而处于原来的位置
④  受外力限制而处于原来的位置
【单选题】 在影响地基承载力因素中,下列说法中( )是错误的。
①  土的内摩擦角φ越大,极限承载力越大
②  土的内聚力c越大,极限承载力越大
③  土的密实度越大,极限承载力越大
④  地基承载力仅与地基土的性质有关,与基础尺寸无关
【单选题】 对于( ),较易发生刺入剪切破坏。
①  高压缩性土
②  中压缩性土
③  低压缩性土
④  软土
【单选题】 所谓临塑荷载是指( )。
①  地基土中将出现塑性区时的荷载
②  地基土中出现连续滑动面时的荷载
③  地基土中即将出现某一允许大小塑性区时的荷载
④  地基土中即将发生剪切破坏时的荷载