A: She is running a fever, but now it is under control. B: [填空].
She is running fast
Her mother does not run
She is running away from home
I will go and see her after work
【判断题】 She doesn’t do her work on weekdays, does she?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【单选题】 I can always ( ) her from far away by the way she walks.
①  recognize
②  realize
③  authorize
④  socialize
【判断题】 A: Her mother isnt a nurse, is she? B: Yes, she isnt.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I [] she will recover quickly from her illness.
①  hope
②  wish
【单选题】 It was not until she had finished all her work_____.
①  did she return
②  that she returned
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【判断题】 The girl is made to do her homework right after she comes from school.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It was not until she had arrived home __________ remembered her appointment with the doctor.
①  when she
②  that she
③  and she
④  she
【判断题】 She often looks after her grandmother.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She doesn’t speak ____ her friend, but her written work is excellent.
①  as well as
②  so often as
③  so much as
④  as good as
【单选题】 男,30岁,在一次剧烈运动后,复发右腰部绞痛,伴恶心、呕吐,继之出现血尿,右腰部叩击痛,无肌紧张,应考虑
①  肾结核
②  肾肿瘤虚
③  胆结石
④  肾、输尿管结石
【单选题】 闭式胸腔引流管脱落后首先应
①  报告医师
②  立即用手捏闭伤口处皮肤
③  钳闭引流管远端
④  给病人吸氧
【单选题】 全身麻醉未醒的病人应采取的卧位是
①  半卧位
②  平卧位
③  休克卧位
④  去枕平卧位,头转向一侧
【单选题】 下列关于胸腔闭式引流的护理,正确的是
①  为保持管道密闭,水封瓶的长管应置在液面下7~8cm
②  引流瓶应低于胸腔引流出口30~50cm
③  鼓励病人经常深呼吸与咳嗽,促进胸膜腔气体与液体的排出
④  更换引流瓶时应用一把止血钳夹闭胸腔引流管
【单选题】 乳腺癌局部皮肤凹陷,其机制是
①  乳房皮下淋巴管被癌细胞堵塞
②  癌肿侵及乳管使其堵塞
③  乳腺癌合并周围组织炎性水肿
④  乳腺癌侵及皮下Cooper韧带,使其收缩
【单选题】 乳腺癌常常发生于乳腺的哪个部位
①  乳腺外上象限
②  乳腺内上象限
③  乳腺外下象限
④  乳晕内
【单选题】 可作为肿瘤定性诊断的检查是
①  CT检查
②  B超检查
③  X线造影
④  病理检查
【单选题】 某肿瘤患者,48岁。采用放射治疗,对该放疗患者的护理,以下错误的是
①  口腔可用盐水或复方硼砂液漱口
②  每次照射后安置患者静卧半小时
③  鼓励高营养饮食及多饮水
④  照射部位应保持清洁,经常用肥皂水清洗
【单选题】 开放性气胸的特点是
①  胸膜腔内气体
②  肺萎陷
③  呼吸困难
④  空气随呼吸经伤口自由出入胸膜腔
【单选题】 下列哪项可引起低渗性缺水
①  尿崩症
②  大量出汗
③  急性肠梗阻
④  应用排钠利尿