In a room above the store, where a party __________,some workers were busily setting the table.
was to be held
has been held
will be held
is being held
【单选题】 They held a great party to ____their victory.
①  experience
②  celebrate
③  praise
④  respect
【单选题】 The party, ______ was held in my house, lasted for four hours.
①  That
②  what
③  whose
④  which
【单选题】 18.He held a sword in one hand and a pistol in_____.
①  another
②  other
③  others
④  the other
【单选题】 38 We Chinese are all ___the successful bid for the 2008 Olympic games to be held in Beijing.
①  pridein
②  proudof
③  proudin
④  prideof
【单选题】 22. The two old sisters,_______ so long,held each other and burst into tears.
①  beingseparated
②  havingbeenseparated
③  havingsepartated
④  hadbeensepartated
【单选题】 He was such a ____ speaker that he held our attention every minute of the three-hour lecture.
①  specific
②  dynamic
③  heroic
④  diplomatic
【单选题】 If you are not certain who should be held responsible for the loss, you might file a claim ________ the insurance agent there.
①  to
②  against
③  in
④  for
【单选题】 There were some ____ flowers on the table.
①  artificial
②  unnatural
③  false
④  unreal
【单选题】 It has always been the ___ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.
①  plan
②  campaign
③  procedure
④  policy
【单选题】 I hope ___ the little ___ I have been able to do has been of some use.
①  that; that
②  /; by which?
③  what; what
④  /; with which
【单选题】 《商业银行资本管理办法(试行)》规定,特定情况下,商业银行应当在最低资本要求和储备资本要求之上计提
①  核心资本要求
②  系统重要性银行附加资本要求
③  逆周期资本要求
④  第二支柱资本要求
【单选题】 下列说法不正确的是()。
①  银行的普通股股东拥有表决权
②  银行的优先股股东拥有表决权
③  股东大会有权选举董事和监事
④  股东大会可以决定银行的经营方针和投资计划
【单选题】 商业银行持有我国中央政府投资的金融资产管理公司收购国有银行不良贷款而定向发行的债券的风险权重为( )
①  0%
②  20%
③  25%
④  100%
【单选题】 国内系统重要性银行附加资本要求为风险加权资产的( ),由核心一级资本来满足
①  0~2.5%
②  1~2.5%
③  1%
④  2.5%
【单选题】 下列哪些属于我国公共实体部门( )
①  财政部
②  人民银行
③  计划单列市人民政府
④  各省省会城市人民政府
【单选题】 特定情况下所要求计提的逆周期资本要求为风险加权资产的( ),由核心一级资本来满足
①  0~2.5%
②  1~2.5%
③  1%
④  2.5%
【单选题】 商业银行应当在( )要求的基础上计提储备资本
①  最低资本
②  储备资本和逆周期资本
③  系统重要性银行附加资本
④  核心资本
【单选题】 对境外公共部门实体债权,注册地所在国家或地区的评级为AA-(含)以上的,风险权重为( )
①  0%
②  20%
③  25%
④  100%
【单选题】 根据我国有关规定,设立全国性商业银行的注册资本最低限额是( )人民币
①  20亿元
②  10亿元
③  5亿元
④  1亿元
【单选题】 )是指银行借款人或交易对象不能按事先达成的协议履行义务的潜在可能性;也包括由于银行借款人或交易对象信用等级下降,使银行持有资产贬值
①  利率风险
②  汇率风险
③  信用风险
④  经营风险