7.During World War II, a Jewish(犹太的) lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her ________ .
the fiftieth
【单选题】 Was it during the Second World War _________ he died?
①  then
②  in which
③  that
④  while
【单选题】 Was it during the Second World War _________ he died?
①  then
②  in which
③  that
④  while
【单选题】 During the Second World War, once before, the U-boats had been _____ because of air attack.
①  in trouble
②  in the trouble
③  for trouble
④  within trouble
【单选题】 Will you see to _____ that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season?
①  it
②  me
③  /
④  yourself
【单选题】 The hospital is said to have been ________________ in the Second World War.
①  declined
②  destroyed
③  decided
④  demanded
【单选题】 The old lady was _______ to the young man who helped her find her lost generation.
①  touched
②  cheerful
③  gratefu
④  generous
【单选题】 At the end of The Fall of the House of Usher, the lady Madeline and her brother ______.
①  recover from their illness
②  fall dead together
③  flee from the decaying house
④  start a new life
【单选题】 The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it _____, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war.
①  was turned out
②  was being turned out
③  being turned out
④  turned out
【单选题】 She travelled the world in ( ) of her dreams.
①  terms
②  preference
③  spite
④  pursuit
【单选题】 The child keeps _______ for her mother outside during the meeting.
①  wait
②  to wait
③  waiting
【单选题】 超声介入治疗技术具有以下优势?
①  损伤明显小于其他介入方法
②  经济费用低
③  可视化
④  以上都是
【单选题】 超声神经阻滞治疗优势?
①  B超引导下麻醉阻滞非常精准
②  以上都是
③  直视确保提升阻滞成功率
④  显著提高穿刺阻滞性
【单选题】 超声波根据用途分为?
①  心脏超声
②  腹部超声
③  眼部超声
④  以上都是
【单选题】 超声波根据超声价格分为?
①  高档超声
②  中档超声
③  低档超声
④  以上都是
【单选题】 超声波根据超声显示方式分为?
①  A超
②  B超
③  M超及彩超
④  以上都是
【单选题】 下列哪项不属于术后疼痛会使患者出现的症状
①  血压升高
②  心跳过快
③  心率失常
④  肺通气功能障碍
⑤  血糖升高
【单选题】 成人术后轻度疼痛护理措施不正确的
①  采用非药物措施缓解疼痛,如深呼吸、按摩、分散注意力等
②  遵医嘱使用镇痛药物,使用强阿片类药物,观察胃肠道反应、过度镇静或呼吸抑制等不良反应
③  FAS评定为A、B级,应指导患者正确实施功能锻炼
④  使用非甾体抗炎药时,应观察恶心、呕吐、心悸、头痛或头晕等不良反应
⑤  在疼痛预防措施的基础上落实轻度疼痛护理措施
【单选题】 以下对疼痛的描述哪项正确
①  疼痛是患者的客观感受,缺少客观体征
②  疼痛不受精神和心理影响
③  用药期间的疼痛程度评估有助于及时调整止痛药物的用药剂量
④  护士应以自我观点对疼痛患者进行个体化的评估
⑤  应对有疼痛的手术后患者进行疼痛评估
【单选题】 VAS是以下哪种
①  视觉模拟法
②  数字等级评定
③  Wong-Baker
④  文字描述评定法
⑤  肌肉紧张度
【单选题】 下列哪种情况能够降低痛阈
①  疲劳
②  紧张
③  恐惧
④  焦虑
⑤  愉快