Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, ___?
don’t they
didn’t they
did they
do they
【单选题】 Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,_________?
①  dont they
②  didnt they
③  did they
④  do they
【单选题】 3. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, ____ ?
①  but
②  and
③  though
④  so
【单选题】 ——How did you like Nick’s performance last night ?—— To be honest ,his singing didn’t ________to be much?
①  appeal
②  refer
③  belong
④  occur
【单选题】 If you hadn’t gone with Tom to the party last night, ______.
①  you would meet John already
②  you would have met John
③  you won’t have missed John
④  you will have met John
【单选题】 If you hadn’t gone with Tom to the party last night, ______.
①  you would meet John already
②  you would have met John
③  you won’t have missed John
④  you will have met John
【单选题】 You don’t mind ______ you Xiao Li, do you?
①  call
②  to call
③  to calling
④  my calling
【单选题】 The reason why he didn’t take the exam was _____ he had an accident on his way to the school.
①  because
②  because of
③  that
④  due to
【单选题】 I didn’t mean to do that. Please forgive me.____________
①  Not too bad.
②  Never mind.
③  It’s a pleasure.
④  Thank you.
【单选题】 I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________ to me.
①  appeared
②  happened
③  occurred
④  emerged
【单选题】 Breaking Mary’s doll was purely ____. John didn’t mean to do it.
①  incidental
②  accidental
③  occasion
④  opportunity
【多选题】 因不当得利,在受损人与受益人之间产生如下效力( )。
①  受益人返还原物。
②  受益人无法返还原物,则应折价返还。
③  原物所生孳息,也应一并返还。
④  原物不存在的,善意受益人也应赔偿。
【单选题】 甲公司向乙公司订购一批彩电,双方在合同中未约定履行顺序,则( )。
①  应由乙公司现交付彩电,甲公司再付款
②  应由甲公司先付款,乙公司再交付彩电
③  乙公司可在交付彩电前要求甲公司付款
④  甲公司可在乙公司交付彩电的同时付款
【单选题】 下列属于意定之债的是( )。
①  侵权损害之债
②  不当得利之债
③  无因管理之债
④  合同之债
【单选题】 甲乙订立买卖合同,约定由买方乙自提货物。合同订立后,甲于1月4日通知乙1月20日前提货,但乙一直未去提货,1月25日,标的物因不可抗力灭失,该损失应由( ) 承担。
①  卖方甲
②  买方乙
③  在价款未支付的情况下由卖方甲
④  双方共同
【单选题】 甲从乙商场购买的商品质量不合格,甲要求该商场进行修理,甲与该商场之间存在的债是( )
①  法定之债
②  简单之债
③  选择之债
④  多数人之债
【判断题】 当事人对可撤销合同所享有的撤销权应适用诉讼时效的规定。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 债权的让与只要求有债权人与受让人的合意,不以通知债务人或取得债务人的同意为生效要件。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 撤回要约的通知按照通常情形可以先期到达或者同时到达对方,但因途中障碍而迟到的,视为撤回的通知未迟到。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 合同被确认为无效或者被撤销后,由于这是合同成立后的法律责任,所以有过错的一方应当赔偿对方因此受到的损失的问题,不是缔约过失责任。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 如果合同仅仅是成立,而并未生效,不存在缔约责任问题。
①  正确
②  错误