通过编辑命令对零件的尺寸进行修改后,零件必须( )。

【多选题】 零件图的尺寸()
①  要求能确定零件各部分形状大小
②  要求尽量简洁
③  要求能满足制造、工艺、检验、装配等方面的要求
④  要求能确定零件各部分相对位置
⑤  不需满足制造、工艺、检验、装配等方面的要求
【判断题】 通过敲击零件,根据零件发出的声音来判断零件有无缺陷,如声音清脆,表明零件完好
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 零件的尺寸基准通常选择在()
①  零件的最左或者最右
②  最前或者最后
③  最上或者最下
④  装配接合面
⑤  零件的对称面
⑥  零件上的主要回转面的轴线
【判断题】 通过敲击零件,根据零件发出的声音来判断零件有无缺陷,如果声音沙哑,表明零件内部有缺陷
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列零件中,()属于专用零件。
①  螺钉
②  螺母
③  起重吊钩
④  平键
【多选题】 以下零件中,维修后有必要进行平衡检验的零件是()
①  离合器压盘
②  传动轴
③  连杆
④  曲轴
【单选题】 ( )适用于形状复杂的板料零件,多用于中小尺寸零件的大批、大量生产。
①  锻件
②  冷冲压件
③  焊接件
【单选题】 用于组装零件用()
①  草绘模块
②  零件装配模块
③  曲面模块
④  工程图模块
【单选题】 装配图和零件图比较,装配图比零件图多( )
①  标题栏
②  零件编号
③  尺寸
④  视图个数
【单选题】 零件按经济精度制造,凭工人经验直接从待装零件中选择合适的零件进行装配。这是指( )。
①  分组选配法
②  复合选配法
③  直接选配法
【单选题】 Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _____.
①  which they are happening
②  they are happening
③  which they happen
④  they have happened
【单选题】 To their credit the Department of Energy _____these ideas and funded a detailed study.
①  took over
②  took on
③  took up
④  took to
【单选题】 Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a _____of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.
①  output
②  surplus
③  production
④  plenty
【单选题】 Individual lines of the poem were very beautiful, but I didn’t see how the lines fit together. To me, the poem wasnt _____.
①  inherent
②  coherent
③  logical
④  corporate
【单选题】 This book has been in the works so long that I have lost _____of most of the sources found for me by the staff of the library.
①  trace
②  trail
③  track
④  touch
【单选题】 _____ for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
①  There has been no rain
②  Having no rain
③  There having been no rain
④  There being no rain
【单选题】 She often says her greatest happiness _____serving the handicapped children.
①  relies on
②  consists in
③  composes of
④  comprises in
【单选题】 _____ me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.
①  That amazed
②  It amazed
③  Which amazed
④  What amazed
【单选题】 We will be losing money this year unless new economic plan of yours _____miracle
①  is working
②  works
③  will be working
④  worked
【单选题】 If you have never planted anything, you won’t be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted _____.
①  grow
②  to grow
③  growing
④  to be growing