We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style rather than________.
in a personal style
with a personal style
personal style
a personal style
【判断题】 P.S. put at the end of the letter means personal best.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Each room should ( ) a bed, desk, chair and storage space for personal belongings.
①  be furnished
②  be furnished with
③  furnish with
④  furnished with
【单选题】 She was stealing the book for personal use and was fired ( ) the spot.
①  on
②  in
③  at
④  within
【单选题】 English people don’t talk about personal things,[填空] they?
①  dont
②  do
③  does
④  doesnt
【单选题】 You should give your children more opportunities to have personal time and space to ( ) with friends or do whatever they want.
①  hang out
②  hang up
③  hang on
④  hang in
【单选题】 If you will make us your lowest quotation for air-conditioner, we shall regard ____ as a personal favor.
①  it
②  you
③  your lowest quotation
④  air-conditioner
【单选题】 Which sport has the most expenses ____ training equipment, players’ personal equipment and uniforms?
①  in place of
②  in terms of
③  by means of
④  by way of
【判断题】 Human mind remembers spatial, personal, surprising, humorous, or other meaningful or funny information much more easily.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 The complimentary close in the formal style includes Yours Truly, Respectfully yours.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 清朝后期span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,“/span处处皆关span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span关关有税span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”“/span如有打造双桅五百石以上桅式船只出海者span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span不论官兵民人span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span调发边卫充军span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”。/span这反映了清朝( )。
①  设立关卡span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,禁绝贸易
②  抑制商业span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,实行海禁
③  重农抑商span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,打击海运
④  征收关税span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,限制商贸
【单选题】 输精管结扎的部位在
①  输精管睾丸部
②  输精管壶腹部
③  输精管精索部
④  输精管腹股沟管部
【单选题】 无静脉瓣的血管是
①  大隐静脉
②  小隐静脉
③  头静脉
④  肝门静脉
【单选题】 桡腕关节
①  由桡骨和尺骨下端与近侧腕骨关节面构成
②  由桡腕关节面与尺骨下端骨面构成关节窝
③  由近侧列腕骨的近侧面构成关节头
④  是椭圆关节
【单选题】 头静脉
①  也称头臂静脉
②  收集头部的静脉血
③  面静脉为其重要属支
④  穿深筋膜注入腋静脉或锁骨下静脉
【单选题】 肾窦内结构不包括
①  肾小盏
②  肾大盏
③  肾盂
④  肾柱
【单选题】 门静脉收集
①  腹腔全部脏器的静脉回流
②  腹腔成对脏器的静脉回流
③  腹腔不成对脏器的静脉回流
④  除肝以外的全部不成对的腹腔脏器的静脉回流
【单选题】 口腔检查时,不能观察到
①  腭垂
②  舌体
④  腮腺
【单选题】 睫状体
①  收缩时可缩小瞳孔
②  属于外膜的一部分
③  睫状肌调节晶状体曲度
④  上皮含有丰富的神经细胞
【单选题】 面动脉来自于
①  颈内动脉
②  颈外动脉
③  颈总动脉
④  头臂干
【单选题】 既屈髋又伸膝的肌是
①  股直肌
②  缝匠肌
③  股薄肌
④  股中间肌