of buying the house
with buying the house
buying the house
to buy the house
【单选题】 It [填空] him a lot of money to buy a house.
①  take
②  takes
③  took
④  taking
【单选题】 If I can get a pay raise, I _______ buy a house.
①  /
②  will
③  would
【单选题】 We don’t have [填空] fruit in the house.Let me buy [填空].
①  any, any
②  any, some
③  a little, any
④  some, any
【单选题】 They _____ our house at $10.000.
①  count
②  vanish
③  weave
④  assess
【单选题】 Theyareconsidering______beforethepricesgoup.
①  of buying the house
②  with buying the house
③  buying the house
④  to buy the house
【单选题】 At the end of The Fall of the House of Usher, the lady Madeline and her brother ______.
①  recover from their illness
②  fall dead together
③  flee from the decaying house
④  start a new life
【单选题】 This hotel _____ us _____ a large house.
①  provides; for
②  offers; to
③  provides; with
④  offers; with
【单选题】 A new house ___ at the corner of the road.
①  is building
②  is being built
③  been built
④  be building
【单选题】 The airport is five miles ____ my house.
①  away from
②  far from
③  far away from
④  far from away
【单选题】 This house will probably come on the ____ next month.
①  fair
②  market
③  shop
④  store
【单选题】 急性肺脓肿最具特征的症状是( )
①  畏寒高热
②  呼吸困难
③  咳嗽伴咯血
④  大量脓臭痰
⑤  咳嗽伴胸痛血源性
【单选题】 急性肺脓肿抗菌治疗的疗程是()
①  4~6周
②  6~8周
③  8~12周
④  12~14周
⑤  16~20
【单选题】 男30岁,咳嗽3个月,偶有咳痰带血,乏力,体重下降,无发热,查体双侧颈淋巴结蚕豆大,稍硬,无触痛,右上肺少许湿音,最可能的诊断是( )
①  肺癌
②  肺结核
③  肺炎
④  肺脓肿
⑤  支气管扩张
【单选题】 发现早期肺结核的主要方法是( )
①  查痰抗酸杆菌
②  胸部X线检查
③  胸CT
④  血沉
⑤  血清特异性抗体检查
【单选题】 人类结核病的主要病原菌是( )
①  牛型结核菌
②  鼠型结核菌
③  人型和鼠型结核菌
④  牛型和鼠型结核菌
⑤  人型和牛型结核菌
【单选题】 怎样判断肺结核患者有无传染性( )
①  做肺结核菌素试验
②  查痰结核菌
③  询问病人有无咯血
④  检查病人有无发热
⑤  拍胸片检查有无空洞
【单选题】 结核病的主要社会传染源是( )
①  排菌的病人
②  所有活动性肺结核病人
③  肺内有空洞性病变的患者
④  血行播散型肺结核患者
⑤  对抗结核化疗效果不明显的患者
【单选题】 闭合性气胸,肺萎陷不超过百分之几,患者可无自觉症状,不需处理()
①  10%
②  20%
③  30%
④  40%
⑤  45%
【单选题】 胸膜腔闭式引流的指征是()
①  胸壁反常呼吸
②  血心包
③  胸内弃物存留
④  单根肋骨骨折
⑤  血气胸经穿刺抽吸无效
【单选题】 对于怀疑是自发性气胸的患者首选的辅助检查是()
①  血气分析
②  纤维支气管镜
③  胸部超声
④  胸部X线
⑤  心电图