While _______ the sun, the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.
having orbited
being orbited
having been orbited

【单选题】 Information has been put forward ___ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.
①  while
②  that
③  when
④  as
【单选题】 Having been asked to speak at the convention __________
①  some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
②  Smith prepared some notes
③  The convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
④  Some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
【单选题】 No aspect of life in the Twenties has been more commented upon and sensationally romanticized than _________.
①  the native Fourth-of-July bombast
②  the rejection of Victorian gentility
③  the expatriation of the true intellectuals
④  The so-called Revolt of the Younger Generation
【单选题】 It was ____ of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep.
①  considerate
②  careful
③  considering
④  considerable
【单选题】 It’s better having short lines with more bank tellers.
①  [A] 如果银行出纳员多一些,不用排长队就好了。
②  [B]最好是排的队短一些,银行出纳员多一些。
③  [C]要是排的队短,银行出纳员最好多一些。
④  [D] 银行出纳员多一些,队就排得更短了。
【单选题】 No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away.
①  get
②  give
③  take
④  gain
【单选题】 Having plenty of time, ____.
①  we needn’t to have hurried
②  there was no need for us to hurry
③  we didn’t need to hurry
④  hurrying was not necessary
【单选题】 The ____ problem of bring a spaceship back from the moon has been solved.
①  technical
②  technological
③  technique
④  technology
【单选题】 The _____problem of bringing a spaceship back from the moon has been solved.
①  technical
②  technological
③  technique
④  technology
【判断题】 The earth moves around the sun.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 鸭瘟是由疱疹病毒引起的传染病,其典型病变特点是
①  肝周炎
②  心包炎
③  . 消化道形成假膜
④  肾脏尿酸盐沉积
【单选题】 下列由病毒引起的传染病是
①  禽霍乱
②  禽伤寒
③  鸡痘
④  鸭传染性浆膜炎
【单选题】 猪肺炎支原体存在于病猪
①  血液
②  皮肤
③  呼吸道
④  消化道
⑤  泌尿生殖道
【单选题】 治疗猪丹毒的首选药物是
①  氟苯尼考
②  青霉素
③  庆大霉素
④  利巴韦林
【单选题】 高致病性禽流感通常是指什么亚型
①  H1N1
②  H5N1
③  H7N9
④  H9N2
【单选题】 下列家禽传染病中能够引起肿瘤的是
①  传染性法氏囊病
②  禽流感
③  禽白血病
④  鸡传染性贫血
⑤  传染性喉气管炎
【单选题】 传染源是指
①  被病原微生物污染的场所
②  患病动物和带菌(毒)者
③  被污染的饲料和水源等
④  病死的动物尸体
【单选题】 2013年3~4月间,我国多地发现人感染H7N9亚型流感病例,这是世界上首次发现由H7N9亚型流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病。关于H7N9流感病毒的描述错误的说法是
①  H7N9流感病毒对于鸡属于低致病力病毒
②  H7N9流感病毒对水禽属于低致病力病毒
③  H7N9病毒具有持续人际传播的能力
④  高温煮熟可以杀死H7N9病毒
⑤  H7N9流感病毒来自东亚野鸟和中国鸡群基因重配
【单选题】 具有感染性的马立克氏病毒通常存在于
①  呼出的气体
②  粪便
③  羽毛囊(屑)
④  泄殖腔
【单选题】 应用非致病性大肠杆菌菌株(NY-10、SY-30等)预防仔猪黄痢、仔猪白痢的机理在于
①  抗体中和效应
②  细胞免疫
③  黏膜免疫
④  体液免疫
⑤  竞争排斥