I _____ online games when my father came back.A. played B. am playing C. have played D. was playing
am playing
have played
was playing
【单选题】 This is the same game ( ) I played yesterday.
①  which
②  it
③  that
④  as
【单选题】 Bob [填空] playing games.
①  is interested on
②  like doing
③  does well in
④  is good at
【单选题】 Mr Longman has played the cello for many years [] but he now conducts an orchestra.
①  comma
②  semicolon
【单选题】 It ( ) that the kids had spent the whole day playing games.
①  turned up
②  turned out
③  turned off
④  turned on
【判断题】 I’m playing the pingpang in the room .
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 _______ sports, I like drawing and playing the piano.
①  In addition
②  As well
③  Apart from
【单选题】 3. He admits that playing computer games sometimes____ him ____his study.
①  distracts--from
②  attracts--from
③  distracts--to
④  attracts--to
【单选题】 Im interested ___________ playing basketball.
①  in
②  on
③  at
④  for
【判断题】 He enjoys?playing?football.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 He is good?at?playing?football.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列哪个编译指令属于条件编译指令( )
①  #include
②  #define
③  #else
④  #pragma
【单选题】 设存在函数int max(int,int)返回两参数中较大值,若求22,59,70三者中最大值,下列表达式不正确的是( )
①  int m = max(22,max(59,70));
②  int m = max(max(22,59),70);
③  int m = max(22,59,70);
④  int m = max(59,max(22,70));
【单选题】 设有函数T Sum(T x,T y){return x+y;},其中T为模板类型,则下列语句中对该函数错误的使用是( )
①  Sum(1,2);
②  Sum(0,2);
③  Sum(‘A’,‘C’);
④  Sum(A,C);
【单选题】 已知:p是一个指向类A数据成员m的指针,A1是类A的一个对象。如果要给m赋值为5,正确的是()
①  Ap=5;
②  A1->p=5;
③  A*p=5;
④  *Ap=5;
【单选题】 函数默认参数在函数原型中说明,默认参数必须放在参数序列的( )
①  前部
②  中部
③  后部
④  两端
【单选题】 内联函数的特点是( )
①  减少代码量,加快访问速度
②  减少代码量,减缓访问速度
③  增加代码量,减缓访问速度
④  增加代码量,加快访问速度
【单选题】 以下说法中正确的是
①  C++程序总是从第一个定义的函数开始执行
②  C++程序总是从main函数开始执行
③  C++中函数必须有返回值
④  C++中函数名必须唯一
【单选题】 有关C++编译指令,以下叙述正确的是()
①  C++每行可以写多条编译指令
②  #include指令中的文件名可含有路径信息
③  C++的编译指令可以以#或//开始
④  C++中不管#if后的常量表达式是否为真,该部分都需要编译
【单选题】 要禁止修改指针p本身,又要禁止修改p所指向的数据,这样的指针应定义为()
①  const char *p=“ABCD”;
②  char *const p=“ABCD”;
③  char const *p=“ABCD”;
④  const char * const p=“ABCD”;
【单选题】 类的私有成员可在何处被访问( )
①  本类的成员函数中
②  本类及子类的成员函数中
③  通过对象名在任何位置
④  不可访问