Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy five miles an hour _____ originate over tropical ocean waters.
how to
【单选题】 Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy five miles an hour ____ originate over tropical ocean waters.
①  which
②  who
③  where
④  how to
【单选题】 That man alone over there – who is he?
①  He is a student
②  He is Doctor Took
③  A driver, I suppose
④  He’s drunk
【单选题】 The manager came over and asked the customer how ___.
①  did the quarrel came about
②  the quarrel had come about
③  had the quarrel come about
④  had the quarrel come about
【单选题】 By the end of last month, she ____ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.
①  would received
②  has received
③  had received
④  receive
【单选题】 By the end of last month, she _____ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.
①  would received
②  has received
③  had received
④  receive
【判断题】 新闻六要素包括:what who when where why how。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The airport is five miles ____ my house.
①  away from
②  far from
③  far away from
④  far from away
【单选题】 18. ______ the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west.
①  That
②  When
③  Where
④  Though
【单选题】 It is ____ to fly an airplane at three thousand miles an hour.
①  possible
②  likely
③  maybe
④  probable
【单选题】 Chronologically the Victorian period roughly coincides with the reign of Queen _____ who ruled over England from 1836 to 1901.
①  Elizabeth
②  Victoria
③  Mary
④  Anne
【多选题】 我国公民的基本权利( )
①  平等权
②  公民参与政治方面的权利和自由
③  人身自由
④  经济、教育和文化方面的权利
【多选题】 我国公民享有选举权利的内容包括( )
①  提名权
②  选举权
③  被选举权
④  罢免权
【单选题】 《宪法》规定:“中华人民共和国年满( )的公民,不分民族、种族、性别、教育程度、 财产状况、居住期限、都有选举权和被选举权;但是依照法律被剥夺政治权利的人除外。”
①  18 周岁
②  16 周岁
③  14 周岁
④  17 周岁
【多选题】 根据我国宪法规定,中华人民共和国公民在( )情况下,有从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利
①  自然灾害
②  年老
③  疾病
④  丧失劳动能力
【多选题】 我国公民在行使自由和权利的时候不得损害( )利益
①  国家的
②  社会的
③  集体的
④  其他公民的
【多选题】 公民正确行使权利和自由的原则( )。
①  权利和义务的平等性
②  权利和自由的相对性
③  权利和自由的有限制性
④  不得损害整体利益
【多选题】 我国《宪法》规定的公民的平等权利包括( )
①  法律面前人人平等
②  男女平等
③  民族平等
④  城乡平等
【多选题】 我国公民享有的政治自由包括( )
①  言论自由
②  游行自由
③  罢工自由
④  结社自由
【单选题】 现阶段世界各国大多数国家采用( )原则来解决国籍的取得。
①  采用血统主义原则
②  采用出生地原则
③  采用加入原则
④  采用血统主义和出生地主义相结合的原则
【单选题】 公民本人或其家属遭到国家机关的不适当的处分或处罚时,或受到不公平的待遇时, 有向有关国家机关提出姿求减轻处分或处罚,纠正对自己的不公平待遇的权利称为( )
①  批评权
②  建议权
③  申诉权
④  控告权