_____ me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.
That amazed
It amazed
Which amazed
What amazed
【单选题】 _____ me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.
①  That amazed
②  It amazed
③  Which amazed
④  What amazed
【单选题】 ____ me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.
①  That amazed
②  It amazed
③  Which amazed
④  What amazed
【单选题】 29.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet. 
①  That amazed
②  It amazed
③  Which amazed
④  What amazed
【单选题】 The young CEO lost his confidence and felt that hes an ( ).
①  deceiver
②  imposter
③  overseer
④  inferior
【单选题】 The boy lost his ____when he stepped on the icy road.
①  way
②  weight
③  balance
④  direction
【单选题】 That young boy couldn’t move because he _______ his leg.
①  breaks
②  broke
③  had broken
【单选题】 The statement had to be delivered to someone who could ____ it to the press.
①  relieve
②  release
③  emit
④  discharge
【单选题】 The old lady was _______ to the young man who helped her find her lost generation.
①  touched
②  cheerful
③  gratefu
④  generous
【单选题】 She said she __________ lost a pen.
①  have
②  has
③  had
④  having
【单选题】 The reason why he didn’t take the exam was _____ he had an accident on his way to the school.
①  because
②  because of
③  that
④  due to
【单选题】 日常维护通常是在()进行。
①  出车前
②  行车中
③  收车后
④  出车前、行车中和收车后
【单选题】 根据车辆诊断检测后的技术评定,按不同作业范围和作业深度进行修理称为()
①  视情修理
②  事故修理
③  事前修理
④  事后修理
【单选题】 曲轴的轴向间隙通常用()来进行检查
①  千分尺
②  塞尺
③  量缸表
④  游标卡尺
【单选题】 被修复零件质量上的可靠性,通常不用修复层的()来衡量
①  结合强度
②  耐磨性
③  疲劳强度
④  耐久性
【单选题】 以下零件中,维修可能要进行内部探伤检查的零件是()
①  曲轴
②  活塞
③  连杆
④  飞轮
【单选题】 主减速器和差速器的温度,一般不得高于()
①  A60℃
②  50℃
③  40℃
④  30℃
【单选题】 制动系漏油的故障属于()
①  致命故障
②  严重故障
③  一般故障
④  轻微故障
【多选题】 曲轴校正有很多方法,经常采用的有()
①  滚压强化校正法
②  表面敲击法
③  火焰校正法
④  压力校正法
【判断题】 汽车维护与汽车修理具有同等概念
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 检测和环境的因素
①  正确
②  错误