_____ drills that have no real topic have to remain as they are.
【单选题】 Not until he went through real hardship the love we have for our families is important.
①  had he realized
②  did he realize
③  he realized
④  he had realized
【单选题】 Have a nice weekend! - ____.
①  The same as you
②  The same to you
③  You have it, too
④  You do, too
【判断题】 A: I have lunch in the restaurant. B: So have I
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Do you have the time? B: Of course, I have.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 If you_______have a rest, you will have a bad cough.
①  won’t
②  wouldn’t
③  don’t
【单选题】 I have the same pen ______.
①  which you have
②  as yours
③  that you are
④  as you
【单选题】 You’ d rather have a cup of tea than have a cup of coffee, _____?
①  wouldn’ t you
②  hadn’ t you
③  would you
④  had you
【单选题】 I was to have a trip abroad if _____.
①  I had not been fired
②  I was not fired
③  my boss won’t have fired me
④  I were not fired
【单选题】 Before the final examination, many students have shown ___ of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  signs
④  remarks
【单选题】 They have done things they ought_____.
①  not to do
②  not to be done
③  not to have done
④  not having done
【判断题】 避孕方法中,失败率较低的是利用安全期避孕
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 临床广泛使用的剖宫产术时腹膜外剖宫产术
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 会阴局部进行湿热敷的一般温度为60~64℃
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 阴道灌洗术下列选项中错误的是
①  一次冲洗液量为500-800ml,温度40℃左右
②  月经期、妊娠期、产褥期、阴道出血者禁止操作
③  促进阴道血液循环,减少阴道分泌物
④  送是慢性宫颈炎的最有效治疗方法
【单选题】 子宫颈电熨术适宜的治疗时间应为
①  月经前3-7天
②  月经期
③  月经干净后3-7天
④  月经干净后的7-14天
【单选题】 进行阴道灌洗时,灌洗桶距床面高度一般为
①  40cm
②  50cm
③  60cm
④  70cm
【单选题】 正常分娩的妇女,进行输卵管结扎的最佳时间是
①  产后24小时
②  产后48小时
③  产后3日
④  产后7日
【单选题】 孕产妇死亡是指
①  从妊娠开始至产后7天风死亡者
②  从妊娠开始至妊娠结束死亡者
③  从妊娠开始至妊娠结束后42天内死亡者
④  从妊娠开始至产后56天死亡者
【单选题】 阴道灌洗液的最佳温度是
①  31-33℃
②  34-36℃
③  40-41℃
④  44-46℃
【单选题】 关于青春期心理卫生以下哪项是错误的
①  女性的性心理发育指青春期女性由于性生理的巨大变化而产生的心理变化
②  心理卫生指人的内心世界与外界环境间能保持协调与平衡
③  对青春期的少女,学校没有必要对她们进行性教育
④  青春期少女会产生对异性的兴趣,可能影响学业