【单选题】 灭菌可包括消毒,而消毒却不能代替灭菌。
【单选题】 ( )指声音的高低程度,柔和的中音、微向上升的音调最为悦耳。
①  语速
②  音调
③  节奏
④  发音
【单选题】 教师给幼儿树立榜样,是因为幼儿的哪种性格特征()
①  活泼好动
②  好奇好问
③  好冲动
④  模仿性强
【判断题】 幼儿园的歌唱活动泛指所有运用嗓音进行的艺术表现活动
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在小班阶段教师教幼儿歌唱、教幼儿合拍的过程就是幼儿歌唱、合拍做动作的过程。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 幼儿家长主动来访时,教师不能()
①  热情接待
②  态度谦和
③  态度冷淡
④  认真听取家长意见
【单选题】 下面的举动不能引起幼儿对幼儿教师的喜爱的是( )
①  拉拉手
②  摸摸头
③  竖起大拇指
④  犀利的眼神
【单选题】 欧文指出,幼儿教师要(),否则,儿童绝不能得到正确的教养。
①  受到良好教育
②  受到超前教育
③  受到严格教育
④  受到自由教育
【单选题】 在结账时,如果出现有审核权限的操作员却不能审核凭证,其原因是( )。
①  在“选项”中选中了“凭证审核控制到操作员”
②  未指定科目
③  该凭证未出纳签字
④  软件出现问题
【判断题】 焦虑-回避型幼儿的母亲常常错误地理解儿童的需要,不能形成与儿童和谐相处的节奏
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I don’t know you want to keep the letter, I’ve _____it up.
①  torn
②  given
③  broken
④  disposed
【单选题】 When Ann broke the dish she tried to put the _____back together.
①  fragments
②  pieces
③  bits
④  slices
【单选题】 All the flights _____because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.
①  were canceled
②  had been canceled
③  having canceled
④  having been canceled
【单选题】 _____, she led a life of complete seclusion.
①  Being disgraced
②  Disgraced
③  Disgracing
④  She was disgraced
【单选题】 Jane tried to _____the doorman with money, but she failed.
①  bribe
②  corrupt
③  award
④  endow
【单选题】 We should always keep in mind that _____decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
①  hasty
②  instant
③  prompt
④  rapid
【单选题】 People under stress have performed _____feats of strength, like lifting an automobile off an accident victim.
①  specific
②  extraordinary
③  abrupt
④  abnormal
【单选题】 Operations which left patients _____and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.
①  exhausted
②  unhealthy
③  upset
④  fearful
【单选题】 Outside my office window there is a fire _____on the right.
①  escape
②  ladder
③  steps
④  stairs
【单选题】 The fox fell into the _____the hunter had set for it.
①  bush
②  trap
③  trick
④  circle