“ Has he seen this film ? ” “Yes. He _________ it several days ago.”
has seen
had seen
was seeing
【单选题】 “ Has he seen this film ? ” “Yes. He______ it several days ago.”
①  saw
②  has seen
③  had seen
④  was seeing
【单选题】 9.“Has he seen this film?” “Yes. He _______ it several days ago.”
①  saw
②  has seen
③  had seen
④  was seeing
【单选题】 The students union has seen a growing ( ) to over several hundred.
①  crowd
②  public
③  population
④  membership
【单选题】 He looked at the little girl, _________ where he had seen her before.
①  wondering
②  wondered
【单选题】 He said that he ?[填空] not seen her that day .
①  has
②  have
③  having
④  had
【单选题】 Zhang Hua opened the door .There______ he had never seen before.
①  did a girl stand
②  stood a girl
③  a girl stood
④  a girl did stand
【单选题】 We havent seen such a beautiful film ______.
①  since four years
②  for the past four years
③  four years ago
④  from the past four years
【单选题】 I feel [填空] better than several days ago.
①  more
②  very
③  the
④  much
【单选题】 Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes ___ people were eaten by the tiger.
①  that
②  by which
③  which
④  in which
【单选题】 He [填空] here a minute ago.
①  come
②  came
③  comes
④  has come
【单选题】 我国除汉族以外人口最多的一个民族是:( )
①  满族
②  壮族
③  藏族
④  回族
【单选题】 下列不属于维吾尔族习俗的是( )
①  有“无肉不算菜”的习惯
②  爱喝葡萄酒
③  待客常用手抓饭
④  与他人共吃一盘食物时,要将掉落的食物再放入盘内。
【单选题】 下列违反微博礼仪的是( )
①  表明自己的身份
②  不要分享敏感信息
③  避免争议话题
④  散步虚假谣言
【单选题】 下列对于巴西的描述,不正确的是( )
①  OK手势在巴西被认为是下流的动作
②  颜色上忌讳紫色和棕黄色
③  喜欢以手帕作为礼品
④  巴西狂欢节有“地球上最伟大的表演”之称。
【多选题】 排列少于5人的便餐席位时,遵循的原则是( )。
①  右高左低原则
②  中座为尊原则
③  面门为上原则
④  景观为上原则
【多选题】 主人在自助餐上对主宾所提供的照顾,主要表现在 ( )
①  陪同其就餐
②  为其引见其他客人
③  与其适当地交谈
④  始终陪伴左右
【多选题】 书信书写的五C法则是指什么?
①  礼貌、清晰
②  完整、正确
③  简洁
④  根据对方喜好来写
【多选题】 我们在行走时应该做到( )。
①  大步流星
②  一路小跑
③  步伐大小适中
④  速度不紧不慢
【多选题】 探望病人下面那些花不宜送
①  香味太浓的花
②  盆花
③  山茶花
④  颜色太浓的花
【多选题】 下火车时有哪几个细节不容忽视( )
①  提前准备
②  关窗户
③  与人道别
④  排队下车