When I opened the door, I saw a girl _________ there.
【单选题】 When I saw Mary , she __________ on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 When I saw Mary , she _______on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 When I saw Mary, she ___ on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 1.When I saw Mary, she on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【判断题】 When I saw him, he was cleaninging his room.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I was caught up ___________ conversation with a friend when someone knocked at the door.
①  in
②  at
③  over
④  off
【单选题】 When I saw the cars crash on the road,a frightened feeling ________ through my mind.
①  flashed
②  struck
③  hit
④  occurred
【单选题】 I knocked on the door but there was no ( ).
①  respond
②  response
③  react
④  reaction
【单选题】 I was again crushed by the thought that I stood on the ____ of the first atomic bombardment.
①  spot
②  site
③  place
④  area
【单选题】 8.The girl was dancing about excitedly when suddenly she stood_______ and put on a horrified look.
①  silent
②  still
③  quiet
④  calm
【单选题】 (???)被称为伊斯兰教的第一圣殿,是全世界穆斯林朝觐的中心。
①  克尔白圣殿
②  麦加大清真寺
③  邦克楼
④  远寺
【单选题】 古希腊建筑艺术代表作品是(??)??
①  凯旋门???
②  帕提农神庙
③  纪功柱??
④  万神庙?
【单选题】 巴比伦和罗马人热衷于(???),这种自撑式弧形结构使得建筑在跨度和高度上不断增加。
①  拱券
②  梁架
③  湖居
④  蜂居
【单选题】 某一材料的下列指标中为常数的是(???)。
①  密度??
②  表观密度(容重)
③  导热系数??
④  强度?
【单选题】 (???)是现代主义建筑的经典作品之一,位于巴黎近郊的普瓦西(Poissy),由现代建筑大师勒?柯布西耶于1928年设计,1930年建成。
①  国家美术馆???
②  萨伏伊别墅?
③  流水别墅
④  蓬皮杜艺术中心
【多选题】 柱间支撑计算内力时,需要考虑的荷载不包括()
①  山墙传来的风力
②  吊车的纵向水平荷载
③  屋面活荷载
④  吊车的横向水平荷载
【多选题】 钢结构验算中,哪些项目不用极限状态设计法()
①  疲劳验算
②  对变形敏感的网壳稳定验算
③  框架结构承载力
④  单层厂房结构承载力验算
【多选题】 门式钢架综合效益好的主要体现是()
①  多用材料是持久性建筑材料
②  拆除建筑时,大部分材料可回收、再生或降解
③  施工现场湿作业少
④  结构占用面积大,房屋利用率低
【多选题】 实腹式Z型檩条构造要求是()
①  檩条截面垂直于屋面设置
②  Z型檩条肢尖背向屋脊
③  当檩条跨度小于6时,在跨中设置一条拉条
④  檩条拉杆和撑杆应沿着屋脊方向对称布置
【多选题】 轻型门式刚架的支撑由哪些构成()
①  柱间支撑
②  屋面水平支撑
③  系杆
④  吊车梁