They stood there, _________ the bus.
to wait
waiting for
【判断题】 请判断下句是否语法正确。Mary stood at the school gate wait for Betty.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Three planes are waiting to _______.
①  take on
②  take to
③  take off
④  take in
【单选题】 ____ little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only a minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour!
①  If I had got up
②  If only I get up
③  If only I had got up
④  If I got up
【单选题】 -- Sorry I kept you waiting.
①  I’m sad
②  I don’t care
③  That’s all right. There’s no hurry
④  No, not at all
【单选题】 19.I object _____ being kept waiting.
①  to
②  in
③  for
④  with
【单选题】 Clara: Do you mind waiting outside for a moment?Steve: __________
①  Yes, please.
②  I sure do.
③  I guess so.
④  Not at all.
【单选题】 A: Im sorry to have kept you waiting. B: [填空].
①  It doesnt matter
②  Dont mind
③  My pleasure
④  Youre welcome
【判断题】 It wasnt long before Mother had a full enrollment and a waiting list.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 关于sleep()和wait(),以下描述错误的一项是( )
①  sleep是线程类(Thread)的方法,wait是Object类的方法;
②  sleep不释放对象锁,wait放弃对象锁;
③  sleep暂停线程、但监控状态仍然保持,结束后会自动恢复;
④  wait后进入等待锁定池,只有针对此对象发出notify方法后获得对象锁进入运行状态。
【判断题】 A: May I read the magazines on the table while waiting? B: Yes, you can.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 氧头孢烯类抗菌药物对以下哪种细菌活性较弱( )
【单选题】 细菌性结膜炎导致的患眼分泌物较多时,可先应用灭菌生理盐水、( )%硼酸水冲洗结膜囊
【单选题】 局部严重红肿热痛,伴有发热等全身症状者或患有糖尿病等基础疾病的口腔感染患者可短期口服抗菌药物( )天
【单选题】 氟康唑的适应证不包括( )
【单选题】 以下哪种抗菌药物可以引起新生儿的溶血性贫血( )
【单选题】 鼠咬伤所致的皮肤、软组织感染可选药物( )
【单选题】 深部真菌感染不可选用( )
【单选题】 ( )所致的血流感染多生在社区
【单选题】 肺炎克雷伯菌所致的慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重可选( )进行治疗
【单选题】 慢性细菌性前列腺炎患者的磺胺疗程为( )