__ of us likes the film. ?
【单选题】 11. _____ of us likes the film.
①  Both
②  All
③  Neither
④  Some
【单选题】 A camera takes light rays bounced off objects and____ them on a sheet of a film.
①  concentrates
②  mixes
③  combines
④  focuses
【单选题】 Our English teacher was standing ___ us so that she could hear us all clearly.
①  away from
②  far behind
③  between?
④  among
【单选题】 All of us think it difficult to ____ the difference between the two things.
①  talk
②  speak
③  lecture
④  tell
【单选题】 ( ) he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all.
①  What
②  How
③  That
④  If
【单选题】 He gave us a []account of all that you had achieved over there.
①  ready
②  bright
③  colorful
④  glowing
【单选题】 Some handicapped people may be ______ to go out at all and a visitor is more than welcome.
①  able
②  unable
③  disable
④  disabled
【单选题】 3.Some of us would like to act the story ____ it isn’t finished yet.
①  but
②  and
③  though
④  so
【单选题】 We’ve _______ paper and ink. Ask Mr. Howard to lend us some.
①  run away with
②  run down
③  run off
④  run out of
【单选题】 15. ______ is known to us all is that China has launched Shenzhou V spaceship successfully.
①  That
②  What
③  It
④  As
【单选题】 由恶性肿瘤(结肠癌)导致的消化道穿孔占比约
①  33%
②  44%
③  50%
④  60%
⑤  70%
【单选题】 子宫内膜息肉典型信号特点,以下正确的
①  T1呈等信号,T2呈等信号或高信号,高于子宫内膜
②  息肉间质成分T2呈低信号
③  息肉腺体成分T2呈低信号
④  增强后轻度强化
【单选题】 子宫肉瘤以下描述中不准确的
①  子宫肉瘤占子宫恶性肿瘤8%
②  纤维肉瘤最常见,多位于肌层
③  平滑肌肉瘤和内膜间质肉瘤多位于浆膜层、肌层或子宫腔内
④  子宫癌肉瘤和腺肉瘤多位于子宫腔内,呈子宫内膜样或带蒂息肉状
【单选题】 单发结节/肿块型IMA的影像表现不符合的是
①  T2WI明显高信号
②  明显强化
③  碎路石征
④  空气支气管征、空泡、囊腔
【单选题】 下列不是肺炎型IMA的影像特征
①  T2WI大白肺
②  支气管不规则狭窄或闭塞
③  肿瘤膨胀改变
④  混杂磨玻璃密度结节
【单选题】 不属于IMA影像特征的是
①  单发肿块型
②  肺炎型
③  多发结节型
④  弥漫型
【单选题】 符合结节/肿块型IMA表现的是
①  胸膜下、双下叶分布
②  弥漫分布
③  双上肺多见
④  沿叶间胸膜分布
【单选题】 海马的常见退行性病变不包括
①  海马钙化
②  颞叶内侧硬化
③  脉络膜裂囊肿
④  痴呆
【单选题】 不典型AML表现
①  以下均是
②  脂肪组织极少
③  皮质期肿瘤强化低于肾皮质高于肾髓质
④  实质期仍为较高密度
【单选题】 有关肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤描述正确的
①  少见良性肿瘤
②  男性发病率高
③  由异常血管、平滑肌及脂肪三种基本成分组成
④  无潜在恶性可能