My uncle ___ to see me. He’ll be here soon.
is coming
had come
【单选题】 My uncle _________ to see me. He’ll be here soon.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  had come
④  came
【单选题】 My uncle_______to see me. He’ll be here soon.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  had come
④  came
【单选题】 7. My uncle __________ to see me. He’ll be there soon.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  had come
④  came
【单选题】 That day he ___ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 That day he ___________ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 That day he_______his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 I went to the doctors yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he________see me.
①  can
②  may
③  might
④  could
【单选题】 I went to the doctor’s yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he ___ see me.
①  ?can
②  ?may
③  ?might
④  ?could
【单选题】 5. I went to the doctor’s yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he _____ see me.
①  can
②  may
③  might
④  could
【单选题】 If my lawyer ___ here last Saturday, he ___ me from going.
①  had been; would have prevented
②  had been; would prevent
③  were; would prevent
④  were; would have prevented
【多选题】 在未来10-15年期间,中国特色社会主义教育制度将()。
①  更加全面
②  更加成熟
③  更加定型
④  更具竞争力
⑤  更具影响力
【多选题】 综合实践活动的新四门课包括()。
①  有所行动
②  考察探究
③  社会服务
④  设计制作
⑤  职业体验
【多选题】 “综合实践活动”课程性质包括()。
①  从学生的真实生活和发展需要出发
②  从生活情境中发现问题
③  转化为活动主题
④  通过探究、服务、制作、体验等方式
⑤  培养学生综合素质的跨学科实践性课程
【多选题】 顺义一中附小课程体系化、整合化设计与实施项目五年级需看的综艺节目有()。
①  《见字如面》
②  《信中国》
③  《世界上最美的乡村》
④  《男生万岁》
⑤  《女生万岁》
【多选题】 顺义一中附小课程体系化、整合化设计与实施项目要凸显基于主题的学习活动类型包括()。
①  确定主题
②  多形态的阅读
③  多学科知识拓展
④  强调探究
⑤  有所行动
【多选题】 批准职业大学有哪些要求?()
①  办学方向:坚持职业教育类型不变
②  培养定位:坚持技术技能人才不变
③  学校名称:职业教育特色不变
④  培养模式:坚持职业教育属性不变
⑤  办学原则:坚持职业教育思想不变
【多选题】 根据全国高职产学合作数据分析——专业大类区域分布情况看,()大类的专业产教融合的热度和密度最强烈。
①  文化艺术
②  装备制造
③  土木建筑
④  财经商贸
⑤  电子信息
【多选题】 完善教育教学相关标准,要实现哪些对接?()
①  专业设置与产业需求
②  课程设置与职业要求
③  课程内容与职业标准
④  教学过程与生产过程
⑤  教学原则与生产原则
【多选题】 企业关注的软技能包括哪些内容?()
①  创新能力
②  职业素养
③  忠诚度
④  性格品德
⑤  心理素养
【多选题】 关于科学和技术,以下表述正确的有()。
①  科学是征服自然的过程
②  技术解决的是“怎么办”的问题
③  科学需要独立思考和自由探索
④  技术具有不确定性
⑤  颠覆性技术革命常源于原创科学革命