【单选题】 人参“芦头”的含义是
①  人参的根茎
②  人参须根上明显的疣状突起
③  人参的不定根
④  人参圆柱形主根
⑤  人参细长的须根
【单选题】 下列药材当中具有“狮子盘头”的药材是
①  党参
②  桔梗
③  白术
④  甘草
【单选题】 具有“狮子头”的药材是
①  川芎
②  升麻
③  防风
④  人参
⑤  党参
【单选题】 具有“砂眼”和“珍珠盘”的中药材是
①  白蔹
②  三棱
③  藁本
④  射干
⑤  银柴胡
【单选题】 松鼠桂鱼、狮子头属于( )。
①  徽菜
②  浙菜
③  苏菜
④  鲁菜
【单选题】 雷莫芦单抗治疗肝癌的作用靶点是()
①  PD-1
③  c-MET
④  FAI-2
【单选题】 珍珠不具有的功效是()。
①  解毒敛疮
②  活血散瘀
③  明目除翳
④  安神定惊
⑤  润肤消斑
【单选题】 珍珠母不具有的功效是()。
①  清肝明目
②  收湿敛疮
③  凉血止血
④  平肝潜阳
⑤  安神定惊
【单选题】 人参不具有的功效是()。
①  大补元气
②  安神益智
③  利水消肿
④  补脾益肺
⑤  生津止渴
【判断题】 当你被一头狮子追赶时,你可能比刘翔跑得还快。这说明压力就是动力。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 As a result of careless washing the jacket _____ to a child’s size.
①  compressed
②  shrank
③  dropped
④  decreased
【单选题】 Two thousand dollars ______ enough for the car.
①  being
②  were
③  are
④  is
【单选题】 Would you like some more coffee? There’s still _______ left.
①  a few
②  few
③  a little
④  1ittle
【单选题】 ____________ I’m 20.
①  How are you?
②  How old are you?
③  Where are you from?
④  May I have your name?
【单选题】 Only when one is ______ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.
①  critical
②  aware
③  visual
④  effective
【单选题】 The boy is not happy at the new school. He has _________ friends there.
①  few
②  a few
③  little
④  a little
【单选题】 The hospital bed is no longer ______ by his wife because she is fine now.
①  overlooked
②  occupied
③  opened
④  Operated
【单选题】 The car ran over the child, but by a _____ he was unhurt.
①  wonder
②  marvel
③  miracle
④  surprise
【单选题】 You will probably _____ your team’s chance to win because you seem to have such a great ______them.
①  affect; influence
②  effect; influence
③  affect; effect on
④  effect; affect on
【单选题】 The young _______ eaten up almost everything on the table.
①  is
②  are
③  has
④  have