__________ all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.
As for
【多选题】 All the students in our school ____________ in the hall to hear a lecture.
①  collected
②  gathered
③  assembled
④  doubled
【单选题】 The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all EXCEPT ______.
①  mystery of the universe
②  sin of the whale
③  power of the Great Nature
④  evil of the world
【单选题】 Bob is one of the [填空] in our school.
①  foreigner
②  foreigners
③  foreigneres
④  foreigneries
【单选题】 Our children ( ) the same high school.
①  participate
②  take part
③  go
④  attend
【单选题】 William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following EXCEPT _______.
①  the use of everyday language spoken by the common people
②  the use of humble and rustic life as subject matter
③  the use of elegant wording and inflated figures of speech
④  the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
【单选题】 19.Our school library is ________ closed for repairs.
①  shortly
②  quickly
③  temporarily
④  rapidly
【判断题】 It is said that John is taller than all students in the school.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 [填空] girl over there is [填空] popular student in our school.
①  A,an
②  The,a
③  The,the
④  A,the
【单选题】 A lot of boys in our school were born [填空] August.
①  in
②  at
③  on
④  since
【单选题】 The Nazi regime is devoid ______ all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination.
①  of
②  away
③  from
④  for
【判断题】 预付账款应当在已支付款项但尚未收到物资或服务时确认。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 民间非营利组织应当采用收付实现制作为会计核算基础。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 新《事业单位会计制度》共设置的会计科目个数为( )。
①  28个
②  38个
③  48个
④  58个
【单选题】 反映行政单位非货币性资产在净资产中占用的金额,不能作为以后支出的资金来源的会计科目是( )。
①  待偿债净资产
②  政府储备物资
③  公共基础设施
④  资产基金
【判断题】 资产负债表反映事业单位在某一特定日期全部资产、负债和净资产的情况。本表“年初余额”栏内各项数字,应当根据上年年末资产负债表“期末余额”栏内数字填列。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 一般情况下,民间非营利组织提供服务的收入为非限定性收入,除非相关资产提供者对资产的使用设置了限制。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 行政单位用非项目资金补充项目资金时的会计处理中,不会引起“其他资金结转结余”科目总金额的变动。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 置换换入的存货,其成本按照换出资产的评估价值确定。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 存货在发出时,应当根据实际情况采用先进先出法、加权平均法或者个别计价法确定发出存货的实际成本。计价方法确定后,可依据单位实际情况,随意进行变更。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 出租固定资产,应当设置备查簿进行登记,出借的固定资产不用设置备查簿进行登记。
①  正确
②  错误