Air pollution __________ , this city is still a good place to live in.
being greatly reduced
greatly being reduced
to greatly reduce
greatly to reduce
【单选题】 The amount of rainfall ____________ the crops greatly.
①  effects
②  affects
③  increases
④  decreases
【单选题】 Social [] vary greatly from country to country.
①  customs
②  habits
【单选题】 The exchange of goodwill mission greatly ______ a better understanding between the two countries.
①  carries out
②  brings around
③  breaks out
④  contributes to
【单选题】 The Norman Conquest greatly impacted the Anglican style of life and the language. As a result,thousands of Old English words were replaced by _______words.
①  Latin
②  Italian
③  Greek
④  French
【判断题】 In dehumanization, a human being is generally reduced into a lifeless object or an inanimate machine. It is roughly the opposite of personification.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”This invention will greatly help scientists in their farther study of the human body.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Not only______ a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.
①  the workers wanted
②  did the workers want
③  the workers want
④  do the workers want
【单选题】 Have a word with the manager ______ if he’s willing to reduce the price.
①  and to see
②  and see
③  and seeing
④  so to see
【单选题】 A study suggests that even ____ exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.
①  modern
②  moderate
③  excess
④  excessive
【单选题】 The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear ___ he would die of the disease.
①  that
②  which
③  of which
④  of that
【单选题】 1mol理想气体从初态(T1,p1,V1)等温压缩到体积V2,外界对气体所做的功为()
①  RT1ln(V2/V1)
②  RT1ln(V1/V2)
③  p1(V2-V1)
④  p2V2-p1V1
【单选题】 有两个相同的容器,容积固定不变,一个盛有氨气,另一个盛有氢气(看成刚性分子的理想气体),它们的压强和温度都相等,现将5J的热量传给氢气,使氢气温度升高,如果使氨气也升高同样的温度,则应向氨气传递热量是()
①  6J
②  5J
③  3J
④  2J
【单选题】 氦气、氮气、水蒸汽(均视为刚性分子理想气体),它们的摩尔数相同,初始状态相同,若使它们在体积不变情况下吸收相等的热量,则()
①  它们的温度升高相同,压强增加相同
②  它们的温度升高相同,压强增加不相同
③  它们的温度升高不相同,压强增加不相同
④  它们的温度升高不相同,压强增加相同
【单选题】 有两个体积不同的容器,一个盛有氧气,另一个盛有二氧化碳气体(均可看成刚性分子),它们的压强和温度都相等,则以下说法错误的是()
①  单位体积内的分子数相同
②  单位体积内的气体质量不相同
③  单位体积内的气体分子总平动动能相同
④  单位体积气体的内能相同
【单选题】 以下有关转动惯量的说法正确的是()
①  质量分布远离转轴,转动惯量越大
②  质量分布远离转轴,转动惯量越小
③  质量越大,转动惯量越大
④  转动惯量的大小与质量分布无关
【单选题】 速度为v的子弹,打穿一块不动的木板后速度变为零,设木板对子弹的阻力是恒定的.那么,当子弹射入木板的深度等于其厚度的一半时,子弹的速度是()
①  1/4v
②  1/3v
③  1/2v
④  1/2v
【单选题】 当质点以频率作简谐振动时,它的动能的变化频率为()
①  4v
②  2v
③  v
④  1/2v
【单选题】 均匀磁场的磁感应强度B垂直于半径为r的圆面,今以该圆面为边界,作以半球面S,则通过S面的磁通量的大小为()。
①  2r2B
②  r2B
③  0
④  无法确定
【单选题】 如果在一固定容器内,理想气体分子速率都提高为原来的二倍,那么()
①  温度和压强都升高为原来的二倍;
②  温度升高为原来的二倍,压强升高为原来的四倍;
③  温度升高为原来的四倍,压强升高为原来的二倍;
④  温度与压强都升高为原来的四倍。
【单选题】 尺寸相同的铁环和铜环所包围的面积中,磁通量的变化率相同,则环中()
①  感应电动势相同,感应电流不同
②  感应电动势不同,感应电流相同
③  感应电动势相同,感应电流相同
④  感应电动势不同,感应电流不同