The morning paper __________ a story about demonstrations in New York and Washington @@@@
【判断题】 When did you arrive in new york?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Why don’t you travel to New York on vacation?
①  I don’t want to go
②  Excuse me, because I can’t
③  I want to, but I haven’t got enough money
④  Because I’m going to school today
【单选题】 Next month I _______a meeting with an organization in New York.
①  would have
②  am having
③  was having
【简答题】 What does the story about the nurse and the surgeon tell us?
【单选题】 I ____ with the Browns during my stay in New York City.
①  put in
②  put down
③  put on
④  put up
【单选题】 I want go to New York. What’s the fare?
①  Pardon me?
②  I’m sorry
③  Yes, I don’t understand
④  I’m not understanding
【单选题】 I _____with the Browns during my stay in New York City.
①  put in
②  put down
③  put on
④  put up
【单选题】 The ____ of Liberty was dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay in 1886.
①  Status
②  Statue
③  Stature
④  State
【单选题】 When I awoke on the morning of Sunday, the news was brought ______ me ______Hitler’s invasion of Russia.
①  for…of
②  to…on
③  to… of
④  for… on
【单选题】 Reforms have brought about rapid [] growth in China in recent years.
①  economical
②  economic
【多选题】 “古时歌谣说‘滟滪大如马,瞿塘不可下;滟滪大如猴,瞿塘不可游;滟滪大如龟,瞿塘不可回;滟滪大如象,瞿塘不可上。这滟滪堆原是对准峡口的一堆黑色礁石’”中所用的辞格是?
①  排比
②  反复
③  层递
④  比喻
【多选题】 “风失去了雨前的野性,轻轻地抚摸草根;水珠在草尖上闪光,像粒粒珍珠在闪耀;朵朵野花开得那么娇丽,红的似火,黄的似金……”中所用辞格是?
①  排比
②  比拟
③  比喻
④  对偶
【多选题】 “看见他们那眼神,深邃像大海,炽热像烈火,灵动像流水,欢悦像阳春,我简直无法抑制我内心的激动了。”中所用辞格是?
①  层递
②  比喻(博喻)
③  比拟
④  排比
【多选题】 “树缠藤,藤缠树,他们两家的关系,就如同这树和藤一样,恩恩怨怨永远纠缠在一起。”句中运用的修辞手段是?
①  夸张
②  比喻
③  比拟
④  排比
⑤  反复
【多选题】 壶口瀑布,观之,如万马奔腾;听之,似惊雷行空。浩浩乎,中华民族之文化;荡荡乎,中华民族之精神中所用的辞格是?
①  对偶
②  比喻
③  拈连
④  比拟
【多选题】 “世事如棋,让一着不为亏我;心田似海,纳百川方见容人。”中所用辞格是?
①  对偶
②  比拟
③  比喻
④  排比
【单选题】 “你的到来”是?
①  体词性句法结构
②  谓词性句法结构
③  加词性句法结构
④  主谓短语
【多选题】 下面补语属于结果补语的有?
①  弄明白
②  站起来
③  吃个痛快
④  砸碎
⑤  扫干净
【多选题】 “比”字句的比较类型有?
①  整比
②  偏比
③  领比
④  复比
【多选题】 下列各句中,“的”是结构助词的有?
①  我是外来的
②  我是喜欢的
③  我昨天到的武汉
④  这是我买的书