Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas vistors expanded_______27%.
【单选题】 The number of people invited ____fifty, but a number of them _____absent.
①  were; was
②  was ; was
③  were
④  were; were
【单选题】 The number of people invited______ sixty, but a number of them______ absent for different reasons.
①  were; was
②  was; was
③  was; were
④  were; were
【单选题】 There is a number here to call ( ) an emergency.
①  only to
②  in case of
③  in return for
④  in addition to
【单选题】 The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.
①  has
②  have
③  there is
④  there are
【单选题】 The number of pages in this dictionary ___ about two thousand.
①  are
②  has
③  have
④  is
【单选题】 Chinahas launched a number of ____satellites since the 1970s.
①  information
②  Communication
③  TV
④  message
【单选题】 A number of foreign scholars [] invited to contribute articles to the magazine.
①  is
②  are
【单选题】 I hope you will remember the parking area and the ( )number.
①  passport
②  coach
③  company
④  group
【单选题】 The( ) between the parts of the novel is apparent.
①  continuity
②  lasting
③  continuous
④  continue
【单选题】 The sense relation between “fruit”and “apple”is _______.
①  hyponymy
②  polysemy
③  homonymy
④  synonymy
【多选题】 人工消耗指标包括(ABCD).
①  A.基本用工 
②  B.材料超运距用工 
③  C.辅助用工 
④  D.人工幅度差
【判断题】 平屋面的卷材屋面按图示尺寸的水平投影面积以平方米计算。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 以下不是工程结算范围的是【】
①  工程备料结算
②  工程进度款结算
③  竣工结算
④  材料款结算
【单选题】 ()主要用于工程规模较小或审查精度要求高的工程项目。
①  难点项目抽查法
②  重点项目抽查法
③  指标分析法
④  全面审查法
【单选题】 天棚中各种吊顶龙骨工程量按【】
①  建筑面积计算
②  主墙间的净空面积一半计算
③  主墙间的净空面积计算
④  主墙间的净空面积二倍计算
【单选题】 材料预算价格的合理性和()是审查的主要内容。
①  准确性
②  科学性
③  权威性
④  群众性
【单选题】 生产线或独立工程称之为______。
①  建设项目
②  工程项目
③  单位工程
④  分部工程
【单选题】 措施项目费采用的计价方法是【】
①  工料单价法
②  综合单价法
③  工料测量法
④  全费用单价法
【单选题】 材料消耗指标的一种标准。
①  预算定额
②  概算定额
③  概算指标
④  预算指标
【单选题】 一单层建筑物净高6.8m,顶棚粉刷搭设满堂脚手架,其增加层数为【】
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4