【单选题】 由于致热源作用于体温调节中枢,或体温调节中枢功能障碍等原因导致体温超过( )℃,称为高热。
①  38
②  38.5
③  39
④  40
【单选题】 婴幼儿体温调节机制不完善,因任何原因引起的高热,均可能诱发抽风,如反复发生高热抽风,可能会导致(  )
①  休克
②  惊厥
③  智力落后
④  精神障碍
【单选题】 超高热病人必有得临床表现是体温大于
①  38℃
②  39℃
③  40℃
④  41℃
【判断题】 动物高热时应大量用退热药使体温快速下降
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 体温正常值为36~37℃;体温超过37℃称为发热,低于()℃称为低体温
①  A35
②  B35.5
③  C34
④  D34.5
【单选题】 正常小儿腋下测得的体温为,体温波动幅度不超过1℃:
①  36—37.4℃
②  37℃
③  36.5—37℃
④  36.5—37.4℃
【单选题】 关于体温管理的描述,错误的是
①  体温监测应从麻醉开始后开始,术中持续监测
②  体温监测应尽可能保持与进入手术室前相同的部位和方法
③  核心体温最能反映机体热量状态
④  体温监测的精准性更多取决于测量部位
⑤  手术结束至离开 PACU 期间仍需进行体温监测
【单选题】 关于体温管理的描述,错误的是
①  体温监测应从麻醉开始后开始,术中持续监测
②  体温监测应尽可能保持与进入手术室前相同的部位和方法
③  核心体温最能反映机体热量状态
④  体温监测的精准性更多取决于测量部位
⑤  手术结束至离开 PACU 期间仍需进行体温监测
【单选题】 测量体温,平静状态下超过( )视为发热
【单选题】 经典型发热待查FUO的定义中,体温超过
①  37℃
②  38.3℃
③  38.5℃
④  39℃
⑤  37.3℃
【单选题】 All the men were under heavy____ working day and night
①  prize
②  rain
③  pressure
④  reward
【单选题】 —I’ve got an offer in New York. —Oh, ____! But I’m going to miss you.
①  That’s too bad
②  I’m sorry
③  I beg your pardon
④  That’s great
【单选题】 The ____child was learning to walk again gradually.
①  broken
②  harmed
③  injured
④  enable
【单选题】 You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting, ____?
①  weren’t you
②  didn’t you
③  have you
④  did you
【单选题】 Rapid reading means reading something fast just to ____ the general idea.
①  master
②  seize
③  grasp
④  imagine
【单选题】 Theexperimentwas____easierthanwehadexpected.
①  much
②  much more
③  more
④  more much
【单选题】 _______ he tried his best, he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 ____ from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”.
①  Seeing
②  To be seen
③  Seen
④  Having seen
【单选题】 Now we may be able to say ____ between music and noise.
①  that what the difference
②  what the difference is
③  the difference is what
④  what is the difference
【单选题】 Frankly speaking, I’d rather you ____ anything about it for the time being.
①  didn’t do
②  don’t do
③  will not do
④  do