Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes ___ people were eaten by the tiger.
by which
in which
【单选题】 37. 1000 guests were all found ____in the room which only ___800 people.
①  seat;seat
②  hold;hold
③  hold;seat
④  seated;hold
【单选题】 We passed a pool in which ducks were_________.
①  climbing
②  jogging
③  hiking
④  swimming
【单选题】 I hate people who ____ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.
①  reveal
②  rewrite
③  revise
④  reverse
【单选题】 A ____ language is one which is still spoken by people in the course of their everyday lives.
①  living
②  live
③  lovely
④  alive
【单选题】 Brindley worked, for example, to improve the grinding of flints, which were used in the rising pottery industry.
①  A. 为了改进例如燧石的研磨过程,布林德雷努力工作着,燧石是新兴陶瓷工业的常用材料。
②  B. 例如,布林德雷努力改进新兴陶瓷工业常用材料的研磨过程--燧石。
③  C. 例如,布林德雷努力改进燧石的研磨过程,燧石是新兴陶瓷工业使用的材料。
④  D. 布林德雷努力改进例如燧石的研磨过程,燧石是新兴陶瓷工业使用的材料。
【单选题】 Which of the following is the time when students work in groups?
①  When all the students are under the control of the teacher
②  When students work in pairs on an exercise or a task
③  When students work in small group
④  When students are expected to work on their own at their own speed.
【单选题】 Which of the following is the time when students study by themselves?
①  When all the students are under the control of the teacher
②  When students work in pairs on an exercise or a task
③  When students work in small groups
④  When students are expected to work on their own at their own speed.
【单选题】 Which of the following is the time when students work in a pair?
①  When all the students are under the control of the teacher
②  When students work in pairs on an exercise or a task
③  When students work in small groups
④  When students are expected to work on their own at their own speed.
【单选题】 Twenty people were _______ wounded in the air crash.
①  quickly
②  wrongly
③  bitterly
④  seriously
【单选题】 Which of the following is the time when students work as a whole class?
①  When all the students are under the control of the teacher
②  When students work in pairs on an exercise or a task
③  When students work in small groups
④  When students are expected to work on their own at their own speed.
【单选题】 老年髋关节置换术后患者出院准备度影响因素不正确的是
①  75岁及以上老年人THA患者出院准备度较低
②  文化程度越高,THA患者出院准备度越高
③  有合并症的THA患者出院准备度较低
④  有亲友为病友的THA患者出院准备度较低
⑤  髋关节功能越好的THA患者出院准备度越高
【单选题】 年龄每增加一级,患者躯体活动功能降低为原来的
①  0.15倍
②  0.23倍
③  0.29倍
④  0.36倍
⑤  0.42倍
【单选题】 骨折的定义
①  骨的完整性和连续性的中断
②  骨小梁的断裂
③  骨内膨胀性
④  骨髓水肿
【单选题】 什么是脆性骨折?
①  高空坠落引起的骨折
②  暴力骨折
③  低能量骨折
④  车祸引起的骨折
【单选题】 老年人骨折类型多为
①  压缩骨折
②  螺旋骨折
③  粉碎骨折
④  斜形骨折
【单选题】 老年骨折最常见原因
①  骨肿瘤所致骨质破坏
②  骨质疏松
③  车祸伤
④  高处坠落
【单选题】 老年人髋部骨折的易发因素不包括
①  饮食
②  神经肌肉反应和协调能力下降
③  长期服用镇静药物
④  饮酒
【单选题】 关于PELD术后注意事项,下列说法错误的是()
①  良好的行走姿势是抬头、收下腹、脚尖向正前方
②  椅子的高度适中;以能保持膝盖与臀部同高,并且脚能平踩地面为宜
③  汽车座椅前移以保持膝盖与腰部同高、坐直,以两手同握方向盘开车
④  习惯于仰睡的患者,可在膝盖后方加个枕头或垫子,使膝关节微屈,以放松背部肌肉及神经
⑤  抬较重物品时不用找人帮忙,可以弯腰抬重物
【单选题】 LDH 发病率大约()
①  2% ~ 3%
②  ?2% ~ 30%
③  ??6% ~ 7%
④  ???5% ~ 6%
⑤  20% ~ 30%
【单选题】 LDH 好发生于()
①  L4-5 和 L5-S1
②  L3-4
③  L2-3
④  L4-5
⑤  L1-2