The most important ___ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people.

【单选题】 The most important ________ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for people.
①  element
②  spot
③  sense
④  point
【单选题】 We should bear in [] all these important rules.
①  mind
②  heart
【单选题】 When we speak to people, we should be ______.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 2. When we speak to people, we should be ___.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 As we know, the most important_________ of television companies is profit.
①  interest
②  interests
③  interesting
④  interested
【单选题】 We should set up special schools for the ______ people.
①  A.young
②  B.old
③  C.poor
④  D.disabled
【判断题】 Above all we should do this thing correctly.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What I meant was that we should go[填空] with the work.
①  on
②  in
③  down
④  out
【单选题】 We should never?[填空]?todays work till tomorrow.
①  put on
②  put off
③  put away
④  put up
【单选题】 29. We must remember that _____fashion is not the most important thing in _______ life.
①  /;the
②  /;/
③  the;/
④  the;the
【多选题】 与四大佛教名山有关的菩萨分别是( )
①  千手千眼观音
②  文殊菩萨
③  普贤菩萨
④  观音菩萨
⑤  地藏王
⑥  大愿菩萨
【多选题】 在以下风景名山中,属于花岗岩名山的有( )。
①  雁荡山
②  华山
③  衡山
④  武陵源
【多选题】 齐名共称为我国四大名刹的佛寺是( )
①  山东济南的灵岩寺
②  山西省恒山悬空寺
③  湖北江陵玉泉寺
④  江苏南京栖霞寺
⑤  河南登封少林寺
⑥  浙江天台国清寺
【单选题】 有“小敦煌”之称的是(????)
①  玄中寺
②  双林寺
③  银佛寺
④  普宁寺
【单选题】 有“万国建筑博物馆”之称的是( )
①  上海外滩
②  青岛的八大关
③  哈尔滨
④  浦东开发区
【单选题】 我国重要的鸟类自然保护区“鸟岛”位于( )西北部。
①  日月潭
②  千岛湖
③  洱海
④  青海湖
【单选题】 “苏伊士运河以东最讲究的建筑”是( )
①  金茂大厦
②  东方明珠
③  汇丰大楼
④  上海大剧院
【单选题】 以花岗岩为主构成的旅游名山为( )。
①  华山、三清山、齐云山
②  衡山、千山、黄山
③  雁荡山、泰山、黄山
④  庐山、阿里山、华山
【单选题】 “鸡鸣狗盗”、“老子过关”、“紫气东来”等成语典故均出自于( )
①  居庸关
②  玉门关
③  嘉峪关
④  函谷关
【单选题】 自古有“东南第一山”之称的是( )
①  雁荡山
②  武夷山
③  越秀山
④  武陵源