What a good news theyve got. No wonder they are so happy.
【单选题】 The rich ___ not always happy.
①  are
②  is
③  will
④  may
【单选题】 ____ she was invited to the hall made her very happy.
①  That
②  If
③  When
④  Because
【单选题】 It is in the afternoon _______ he got the bad news.
①  when
②  where
③  that
④  how
【单选题】 ____ money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.
①  Concerning
②  As to
③  In terms of
④  In the light of
【单选题】 _____money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.
①  Concerning
②  As to
③  In terms of
④  In the light of
【单选题】 I wonder what he does for a ____.
①  life
②  live
③  liveing
④  living
【单选题】 It is in the afternoon_______he got the bad news.
①  when
②  /
③  that
④  is
【单选题】 A: I got a job from Dell B: Thats great news. Im very happy for you. A: Thanks. I feel like celebrating. Lets go have a beer. [填空].
①  Its on me
②  Its so fine today
③  Its your turn
④  It is rather expensive
【单选题】 The greatest tragedy in life is not to lose too much,but care about too much,_________ is an important reason people are not happy.
①  who
②  that
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 A good newspaper published both ____ and foreign news.
①  civil
②  domestic
③  democratic
④  national
【单选题】 下列植物的花序属于肉穗花序的是( )。
①  百合
②  天南星
③  薯蓣
④  知母
【单选题】 双子叶植物木质茎的次生构造由外到内依次为( )。
①  韧皮部、木质部、形成层、周皮
②  周皮、韧皮部、形成层、木质部
③  周皮、木质部、形成层、韧皮部
④  周皮、韧皮部、形成层、木质部、髓
【单选题】 将母液倒入试剂瓶,贴好标签,保存于()冰箱中待用
①  4℃
②  10℃
③  11℃
④  12℃
【单选题】 实行水旱轮作是克服连作弊端采用的新技术,属于哪项?
①  化学技术
②  物理技术
③  生物技术
④  农业技术
【单选题】 对半夏进行培土,目的是?
①  促进生根
②  保护芽头
③  避免根部外露
④  防止倒伏
【单选题】 决定能否复种的首要条件是什么?
①  热量
②  水分
③  肥料
④  地力
【单选题】 哪项不是单作具备的特点
①  作物品种单一
②  对环境条件要求相 同
③  生育期一致
④  田间管理复杂
【单选题】 套作与间作比较其相同点是
①  行间距一致
②  株间距一致
③  都有共生期
④  管理方式一致
【单选题】 菊花、红花摘去顶芽,目的是?
①  促进生根
②  生长旺盛
③  延迟衰老
④  促进多分枝,增加花序的数目。
【判断题】 正常人尿液有时能检测出蛋白质和红细胞。
①  正确
②  错误