The open university was started in order to help those who ___ having a university education when they were young.
【单选题】 Young people ______ 62% of University teaching staff.
①  comprise
②  compose
③  contain
【单选题】 Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons cant be the only preparation for all of the situations ________ appear in the working world.
①  where
②  when
③  that
④  what
【单选题】 If it _____ for his help, I wouldn’t be a university student now.
①  hasn’t been
②  hadn’t been
③  wasn’t
④  weren’t
【判断题】 Given that they are fresh from the university, the young people have done a good job.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The family were having dinner when the ______ buzzer of the door sounded.
①  quiet@muted
②  silent
③  low
【单选题】 When we were having a party, the host _______ the bad news.
①  was telling
②  was told
③  could tell
【单选题】 Its an important component of preschool education to help and instruct young children to develop a positive ______.
①  self-reality
②  self-evidence
③  self-service
④  self-concept
【单选题】 An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education ____.
①  settlement
②  establishment
③  construction
④  structure
【单选题】 An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education _____.
①  settlement
②  establishment
③  construction
④  structure
【单选题】 6.The university has introduced a new _______ of conduct on university life.
①  discipline
②  . code
③  key
④  . principle
【单选题】 下列费用中,属于措施费的是()
①  混凝土模板及支架费
②  联合试运转费
③  直接费
④  人工费
【单选题】 生活使用的净面积总和称为______。
①  建筑面积
②  使用面积
③  结构面积
④  辅助面积
【判断题】 施工包干费均属于其他直接费。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 根据《建筑安装工程费用项目组成》的规定,下列属于规费的是()
①  环境保护费
②  工程排污费
③  安全施工费
④  文明施工费
【单选题】 下列费用中属于企业管理费的是
①  养老保险费
②  失业保险费
③  劳动保险费
④  医疗保险费
【单选题】 结算是工程概算和()的简称。
①  施工预算
②  施工图预算
③  竣工结算
④  竣工决算
【单选题】 安装工程预算定额中,一般不包括(),因而安装工程定额基价是不完全工程单价。
①  主材费
②  辅材费
③  人工费
④  机械费
【单选题】 69.预算定额子目材料消耗量由材料净用量加上【】
①  损耗率组成
②  损耗系数组成
③  损耗量组成
④  使用量组成
【单选题】 所谓工程基本构成要素,就是通常所说的分项工程和(?)
①  结构构件???
②  分部工程??????
③  单位工程????
④  单项工程?
【多选题】 施工预算的编制方法有(ABC).
①  A.实物法 
②  B.实物金额法 
③  C.单位估价法 
④  D.分项工程完全造价计算法