At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia s waving, but then it __ his mind that she was trying to tell him something.
【单选题】 I passed his driving test at the first ( ).
①  attempt
②  afford
③  attend
④  attention
【单选题】 She ( ) something wrong, because she’s looking so guilty
①  could have done
②  might have done
③  must have done
④  should have done
【单选题】 A: Bob, [填空]? B: Thats my friend! And beside him, his partner.
①  what is the person over there
②  whos talking over there
③  what are they doing
④  which is that
【单选题】 11. He is really worried about his daughter as she is ______to him.
①  anything
②  everything
③  something
④  nothing
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 John asked me _______ to visit his uncle’s farm with him.
①  how would I like 
②  if or not would I like
③  whether I would like  
④  wehn I would like  
【单选题】 ___ is no possibility ___ Bob can win the first prize in the match.
①  There; that
②  It; that
③  There; whether
④  It; whether
【单选题】 Please tell me something_________ your factory.
①  in
②  at
③  on
④  about
【单选题】 _____ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.
①  Had it not been
②  Hadnt itbeen
③  Was it not
④  Were it not
【单选题】 12._____is no possibility ____Bob will win the first prize in the match.
①  That;that
②  There;that
③  There;whether
④  It;whether
【单选题】 爱因斯坦说:“一个人对社会的价值,首先取决于他的感情、思想和行动对增进人类利益有多大作用,而不应看他取得什么。”就是说,衡量一个人社会价值的标准应该是( ?)
①  个人的社会存在
②  个人的行为动机
③  个人对社会的责任和贡献
④  社会对个人的尊重和满足
【单选题】 把金钱作为衡量人生价值的唯一标准,这是典型的( ??)
①  享乐主义
②  个人主义
③  拜金主义
④  实用主义
【单选题】 判定一个人心理是否健康,要看他的行为是否与所处环境相协调,属于心理健康的( )
①  社会规范标准
②  主观经验标准
③  心理成熟标注
④  生活适应标准
【单选题】 被认为是支配愤怒和恐惧的大脑中部位是( )
①  下丘脑
②  丘脑
③  海马回
④  胼胝体
【单选题】 适应性障碍可分为( )抑郁反应、中期抑郁反应、长期抑郁反应
①  个人
②  生活
③  短期
④  应激
【单选题】 ( )反应期是指个体内部防御力量与紧张刺激进行对抗,努力使生理心理恢复平衡
①  警觉
②  抵抗
③  衰竭
④  警戒
【单选题】 与高中相比,大学的学习更多的是( )学习模式
①  被动
②  主动
③  积极
④  消极
【单选题】 学校心理辅导的主要方式一般有两种,下列关于它们的叙述不正确的一项是( )
①  学校心理辅导有团体辅导和个别辅导这两种主要的方式
②  团体辅导以全体学生为对象,以预防辅导为主
③  个别辅导是以少数学生为对象,以矫治辅导为主,属补救性的辅导
④  经常逃学的学生、有学习障碍的学生更适合于进行团体辅导
【单选题】 由于对管理研究的侧重点不同,对管理所下定义也各异。西蒙认为( )
①  管理就是要确切地知道要别人干什么,并注意他们用最好最经济的方法去干
②  管理就是实行计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制
③  管理就是决策
④  管理是通过他人的努力来达到目标
【单选题】 公司政策规定工作人员享有假期,为实施这项政策公司编制了度假时间表,制订了假期工资率、支付办法,以及申请度假的详细说明,这属于(? )
①  规划
②  程序
③  策略
④  规则