It was for this reason ___ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.
【单选题】 Why don’t you travel to New York on vacation?
①  I don’t want to go
②  Excuse me, because I can’t
③  I want to, but I haven’t got enough money
④  Because I’m going to school today
【判断题】 Greenwich Village set the pattern by having intellectuals flock there to pour out their new-found creative strength, to tear down the old world, to flout the morality of their grandfathers and to give all to art, love, and sensation.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The reason why the car was stopped was ____.
①  that the road was slippery
②  due to the slippery road
③  because the road was slippery
④  because of the slippery road
【单选题】 I followed her _______ but I still couldnt work out how to use the sewing machine.
①  description
②  introduction
③  instructions
④  comments
【单选题】 The small mountain village was ____ by the snow for more than one month.
①  cut back
②  cut out
③  cut off
④  cut away
【单选题】 The author was _______ in a small village, as is described in some of his short stories.
①  brought out
②  brought in
③  brought up
④  brought about
【单选题】 The order came ___ the soldiers ___ the small village the next morning.
①  that; had to leave
②  that; should leave
③  /; must leave
④  when; should leave
【单选题】 The reason _____ he was late for the meeting is _____ his car broke down on the road.
①  why; that
②  why; because
③  that; that
④  for which; because
【判断题】 When did you arrive in new york?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 My uncle bought a new bike for [填空].
①  theirs
②  they
③  me
④  I
【多选题】 下列属于可抵扣暂时性差异的有( )
①  资产的账面价值大于其计税基础
②  负债的账面价值小于其计税基础
③  负债的账面价值大于其计税基础
④  资产的账面价值小于其计税基础
【多选题】 下列资产和负债项目的账面价值与其计税基础之间的差额,应确认递延所得税的有( )。
①  企业自行研究开发并资本化的专利权
②  期末按公允价值调增可供出售金融资产的金额
③  期末按公允价值调减投资性房地产的金额
④  企业因销售商品提供售后服务确认的预计负债
【判断题】 确认递延所得税资产时,应估计相关可抵扣暂时性差异的转回时间,如果转回期间与当期相隔较长时,相关递延所得税资产应予以折现。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列各项中,应计入营业外支出的有( )。
①  工程物资在建设期间发生的盘亏净损失
②  捐赠支出
③  罚款支出
④  企业行政管理部门发生的维修费
【判断题】 税收滞纳金可以税前扣除。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列各项中,应计入财务费用的有( )
①  利息支出
②  汇兑损益
③  发生的手续费
④  广告支出
【多选题】 下列项目中,不应确认递延所得税负债的有( )。
①  与联营企业投资相关的应纳税暂时性差异,投资企业能够控制暂时性差异转回的时间且该暂时性差异在可预见的未来能够转回
②  与合营企业投资相关的应纳税暂时性差异,投资企业能够控制暂时性差异转回的时间且该暂时性差异在可预见的未来很可能不会转回
③  与联营企业投资相关的应纳税暂时性差异,该暂时性差异在可预见的未来很可能转回
④  非同一控制下的企业合并中初始确认的商誉产生的应纳税暂时性差异
【多选题】 下列会计事项中,应在“其他业务成本”科目核算的有( )。
①  生产性企业销售原材料的成本
②  经营租赁出租的固定资产的折旧
③  出售无形资产已提的摊销额
④  房产税
【多选题】 下列交易或事项中,其计税基础等于账面价值的有( )。
①  企业持有的交易性金融资产在资产负债表日的公允价值变动
②  企业为关联方提供债务担保确认了预计负债1 000万元
③  企业自行开发的无形资产,开发阶段符合资本化条件的支出为100万元,按税法规定,开发阶段支出形成无形资产,要按照无形资产成本的150%摊销
④  税法规定的收入确认时点与会计准则一致,会计确认预收账款500万元
【判断题】 如果合同或协议规定一次性收取使用费、且不提供后续服务的,应当视同销售该项资产一次性确认收入。
①  正确
②  错误