He often attends public lectures at the university of California chiefly to improve his English.
【单选题】 In the past he often made his sister___, but now he is often made __by his sister.
①  to cry; to cry
②  cry
③  to cry; cry
④  cry; to cry
【多选题】 In his spare time, he often _______.
①  A.speak English
②  B.rides a bike
③  C.cycles
④  D.goes cycling
【单选题】 He wrote a lot of novels, many of [] translated into English.
①  it
②  them
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 He wrote a lot of novels, and many of [] were translated into English.
①  it
②  them
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 He wrote a lot of novels, many of [] were translated into English.
①  it
②  them
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 He speaks English ___ he speaks his mother tongue.
①  so good as
②  as good as
③  so well as
④  as well as
【单选题】 As a result of his hard work, he has gained ______ to the Beijing University.
①  access
②  commitment
③  opportunity
④  reward
【单选题】 All his hard work have paid off for he was ( ) by the famous university.
①  admit
②  admitted
③  admission
④  admitting
【单选题】 After failing the exams three times, Jack realized that he’d never ____in English.
①  see to it
②  attain it
③  catch it
④  make it
【单选题】 In order to improve English, ______.
①  Jane’s father bought her a lot of tapes
②  Jane bought a lot of tapes for herself
③  a lot of tapes were bought for her by Jane’s father
④  a lot of tapes were bought by Jane
【多选题】 容易导致中毒的动植物食品有哪几个( )
①  四季豆
②  生豆浆
③  花生
④  西红柿
⑤  蘑菇
⑥  河豚鱼
【多选题】 突发公共事件初次报告的内容要包含哪几项( )
①  事件发生时间
②  事件发生地点
③  受伤害的人数
④  其他选报内容
【多选题】 以下哪几项属于受教育权的内容( )
①  入学权
②  享受教育教学资源权
③  获得评价权
④  教育机会平等权
【多选题】 保障未成年人的合法权益有哪些方法( )
①  学校保护
②  家庭保护
③  司法保护
④  社会保护
【多选题】 选择教学内容要注重哪三项( )
①  贴近社会生活
②  符合生活实际
③  基础性
④  理论性
【单选题】 职业价值观具有明确的目的性、( )和坚定性的职业选择的态度和行为。
①  自由性
②  动机性
③  自觉性
④  制约性
【单选题】 不属于探索价值观方法的是( )。
①  澄清反应法
②  意见表决法
③  间接提问法
④  生活馅饼法
【单选题】 以下探索价值观步骤正确的是( )。①自由选择;②分析选择;③公开选择;④采取行动;⑤重复行动。
①  ②①③④⑤
②  ②③①④⑤
③  ①③②⑤④
④  ①②③④⑤
【单选题】 霍兰德将人格分为六种类型,其中不包括( )。
①  现实/实际型(R)、研究型(I)
②  艺术型(A)、社会型(S)
③  科学型(S)
④  企业型(E)
⑤  传统/常规型(C)
【单选题】 学生在选择岗位时步骤不包括( )。
①  通过测试了解自己性格
②  盲目投递简历
③  从人到职位
④  寻找适合自己的岗位