【多选题】 ()是春秋时期宋人追述祖业之作?
①  《长发》
②  《玄鸟》
③  《周颂》
【判断题】 《周颂》形成于春秋时期。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 《鲁颂》不是春秋时期()的颂歌?
①  楚国
②  齐国
③  鲁国
【单选题】 下列关于春秋时期情况的叙述,不正确的是( )。
①  晋文公是春秋时期的第一个霸主
②  春秋是东周王朝的一个分期
③  春秋时期周王室衰微
④  春秋五霸的出现打破王室独尊的局面
【单选题】 春秋时期,首先称霸的是()
①  秦穆公
②  齐桓公
③  楚庄王
④  宋襄公
【单选题】 孔子是春秋时期哪国人?
①  楚国
②  齐国
③  鲁国
④  秦国
【判断题】 春秋时期首先称霸的诸侯是晋文公。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 春秋时期官学衰废导致了
①  学术下移
②  学在官府
③  书院博兴
④  礼崩乐坏
【多选题】 《诗?周颂?维清》不是祭祀()的乐歌?
①  周公
②  武王
③  文王
【多选题】 《诗?周颂》的()没有涉及古代各种乐器?
①  《采薇》
②  《有瞽》
③  《桃夭》
【单选题】 ______ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.
①  Even if
②  As far as
③  If only
④  So long as
【单选题】 Therewasateapotfashionedlikeachinaduck,outof______openmouththeteawassupposedtocome.
①  which
②  its
③  that
④  whose
【单选题】 ______receivingfinancialsupportfromfamily,communityorthegovernmentisallowed,itisneveradmired.
①  As
②  Once
③  Although
④  Lest
【单选题】 _______ difficulties we may come across, well help one another to overcome them.
①  Wherever
②  Whatever
③  However
④  Whenever
【单选题】 Governmentreports,examinationcompositions,legaldocumentsandmostbusinesslettersarethemainsituations_______formallanguageisused.
①  in which
②  on which
③  in that
④  at what
【单选题】 Althoughheknewlittleaboutthelargeamountofworkdoneinthefield,hesucceeded_______othermorewell-informedexperimentersfailed.
①  which
②  that
③  what
④  where
【单选题】 We hadnt met for 20 years, but I recognized her ______I saw her.
①  for the moment
②  the moment when
③  at the moment when
④  the moment
【单选题】 Catching crabs in the bay is profitable, but______for bass in the river is more relaxing.
①  go to fish
②  go to fishing
③  fishing
④  to do fishing
【单选题】 Thefruitdelivereddirectlyfromtheorchardwas______alsodelicious.
①  not only ripe and
②  not only ripe but
③  only ripe
④  as ripe as but
【单选题】 Wehavedonethingsweoughtnottohavedoneand_______undonethingsweoughttohavedone.
①  leaving
②  left
③  will leave
④  leave