My brother can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he______ me how.
would teach
has taught
will teach
【单选题】 He won’t____ to bring me my umbrella unless I tell him again.
①  forget
②  remind
③  remember
④  realize
【单选题】 I wish I[填空] young again.
①  am
②  were
③  are
④  was
【单选题】 Must I take a taxi?No, you _______. You can take my car.
①  had better to
②  don’t
③  must not
④  don’t have to
【单选题】 She was teaching me ____ you would teach a younger child to speak the language.
①  the way
②  in the way
③  a way
④  to the way
【单选题】 A: Can I take a message? Ill let Mr. Liu know as soon as he comes back. B: [填空].
①  I hope he will call me back
②  No. Ill call somebody else
③  Dont bother. Ill try his cell
④  I dont think its appropriate
【单选题】 How many [填空] can I take?
①  rice
②  cakes
③  water
④  coffee
【单选题】 I will take my daughter with me when I __________ Shanghai.
①  go to
②  will go to
③  have been to
④  have gone to
【单选题】 Nothing in my life has meant ____ to me as his praise.
①  asmuch
②  more
③  thatmuch
④  asgood
【单选题】 There is no __________ that he will make the mistake again.
①  doubt
②  need
③  choice
④  time
【单选题】 The car beeped at me until I fastened my seatbelt.
①  A.汽车向我发出了嘟嘟的声音,直到我系上了安全带。
②  B.汽车发出嘟嘟的声音,我系上安全带就不响了。
③  C.汽车在我系上安全带之前才发出嘟嘟的声音。
④  D.汽车发出嘟嘟的声音,我才系上了安全带。
【单选题】 慢性病危险因素不包括()
①  行为因素
②  精神-心理因素
③  环境因素
④  生活因素
【单选题】 餐后2小时血糖目标值()
①  <11.0mmol/L
②  <10.0mmol/L
③  <12.0mmol/L
④  <11.2mmol/L
【单选题】 慢性病管理原则说法不正确的是()
①  坚持统筹协调
②  坚持共建共享
③  坚持预防为主
④  坚持医生指导
【单选题】 关于慢性病的特点说法错误的是()
①  病程短、并发症少
②  病因复杂、病程长
③  发病隐匿、潜伏期长
④  需要长期的治疗和护理
【单选题】 NYHA心功能分级Ⅲ级是指()
①  日常活动不受限制,一般活动不引起乏力、呼吸困难或心悸
②  体力活动明显受限,轻于日常活动即引起心衰症状
③  体力活动轻度受限,休息时无自觉症状,一般活动下可出现心衰症状
④  不能从事任何体力活动,休息状态下也存在心衰症状,活动后加重
【单选题】 慢性病危险因素中行为因素不包括()
①  营养均衡
②  体重肥胖
③  酗酒
④  缺乏运动
【单选题】 以下不是哮喘合并症的是()
①  胃食管返流
②  睡眠呼吸暂停
③  抑郁和焦虑
④  消瘦
【单选题】 针对性心理健康量中不常用的是
①  SAS焦虑自评量表
②  SDS抑郁自评量表
③  CES-D流调中心抑郁量表
④  PHQ-9抑郁量表
【单选题】 国内慢病约占疾病死亡率的()
①  60%
②  75%
③  86%
④  95%
【单选题】 ()《全国卫生与健康大会》习总书记:“以基层为重点,以改革创新为动力,预防为主,中西医并重,将健康融入所有政策,人民共建共享。”
①  2016年
②  2017年
③  2018年
④  2019年