水平灰缝的砂浆饱满度,对于普通砖砌体而言,以不小于多少为合格?对于小砌块而言,以不小于多少为合格?( )
【单选题】 砖砌体水平灰缝饱满度应不小于()。
①  75%
②  90%
③  80%
④  100%
【单选题】 砖砌体水平灰缝饱满度应不小于()。(第四章知识点10砖砌体施工)
①  75%
②  90%
③  80%
④  100%
【单选题】 砖砌体水平灰缝饱满度应不小于()。(第四章知识点11砖砌体砌筑要求)
①  75%  
②  90% 
③  80%  
④  100%
【单选题】 砌块砌筑时,竖向灰缝的砂浆饱满度应不小于()。(第四章知识点10砖砌体施工)
①  79%
②  80%
③  90%
④  100%
【判断题】 现浇无梁楼板的跨度较大,一般厚度不小于80mm。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在砌块砌筑中,错缝搭砌时,搭接长度不小于砌块高度的1/3,且不小于( )mm。
①  120
②  150
③  100
④  200
【单选题】 楼梯平台处的净高不小于多少?( )。
①  2.0m
②  2.1m
③  1.9m
④  2.2m
【单选题】 屋面泛水高度在迎水面不小于多少?( )
①  300mm
②  250mm
③  200mm
④  180mm
【单选题】 砖砌体水平缝的砂浆饱满度应不低于:
①  50%
②  80%
③  40%
④  60%
【单选题】 砌筑砌块时,上下皮应错缝,搭接长度为砌块长度的 1/4,高度为 1/3~1/2,并不小于()。
①  90mm
②  60mm
【单选题】 It is common knowledge that dogs have a _______ sense of smell.
①  thoughtful
②  slim
③  keen
④  absorbed
【单选题】 The old lady was _______ to the young man who helped her find her lost generation.
①  touched
②  cheerful
③  gratefu
④  generous
【单选题】 Helen lacks ______ . I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself.
①  character
②  balance
③  approach
④  confidence
【单选题】 Don’t hesitate ______ for help if you have any problem meeting the schedule.
①  to ask
②  asked
③  asking
④  to be asked
【单选题】 Read the book carefully __________ you’ll find lots of information related to our research.
①  if
②  and
③  so
④  or
【单选题】 Our manager is so __________ in his thinking, he never listens to new ideas.
①  rigid
②  tedious
③  boring
④  vivid
【单选题】 Parts of my childhood are so _________ to me that they could be memories of yesterday.
①  prim
②  vivid
③  boring
④  tedious
【单选题】 _______ hard work, you don’t have much chance of success.
①  After
②  Without
③  With
④  Before
【单选题】 Here is a letter_________you.
①  on
②  for
③  in
④  about
【单选题】 The discovery of new oil-fields in various parts of the country filled the government with_____ hope
①  eternal
②  infinite
③  ceaseless
④  everlasting