【单选题】 酒制药物时,改变药性,引药上行的药物为
①  黄连
②  蕲蛇
③  当归
④  川芎
⑤  乌梢蛇
【单选题】 用药性相对立的辅料或药物来制约中药的偏性或改变药性称为
①  相反为制
②  相资为制
③  相畏为制
④  相恶为制
⑤  相杀为制
【多选题】 蜜炙后能缓和药性的药物有
①  紫菀
②  枇杷叶
③  桑白皮
④  款冬花
⑤  麻黄
【单选题】 经炮制能改变或缓和药性的是( )。
①  莱菔子
②  阿胶
③  地黄
④  决明子
【多选题】 麸炒后能降低挥发油的含量,缓和药性的药物是
①  苍术
②  僵蚕
③  枳壳
④  山药
⑤  白术
【单选题】 炮制后改变药性、产生新治疗作用、扩大用药品种、增强疗效的饮片是( )。
①  巴豆
②  半夏
③  朱砂
④  麦芽
⑤  六神曲
【多选题】 苏子降气汤中具有是温补下元的药物是( )
①  当归
②  肉桂
③  半夏
④  厚朴
【单选题】 关于洋地黄毒苷类药物说法错误的是( )。
①  地高辛和洋地黄毒苷是最常用的洋地黄心脏糖苷类药物
②  地高辛经肝脏排泄,消除不依赖于肾功能。
③  治疗过程中需要监测血浆地高辛浓度以调整药物剂量
④  出现快室率房颤是洋地黄毒苷的特别适应证
【单选题】 药物的耐药性是指人体对药物的反应性()
①  降低
②  增强
③  先增强后降低
④  先降低后增强
⑤  增强-降低-增强
【单选题】 婴儿停用洋地黄药物的指征是( )
①  心率<120次/分
②  心率<100次/分
③  心率<80次/分
④  心率<60次/分
【单选题】 The size of the generation gap seems to be spreading with ____ rapid changes in technology, in education, in transportation and in communication that are taking place all over ____ globe.
①  the;the
②  the;/
③  /;/
④  /;the
【单选题】 Never in my wildest dreams ____ lead to a career in the NBA, which has allowed me to give back to my people in Africa.
①  Ithoughtthechancewould
②  Ithoughtwouldthechance
③  didIthinkthechancewould
④  didIthinkwouldthechance
【单选题】 Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as ____ all other animals on the earth.
①  are
②  is
③  have
④  do
【单选题】 She’s fainted. Throw some water on her face and she’ll ____.
①  comeround
②  comealong
③  comeon
④  comeout
【单选题】 The inspector ____ his fingers over the sheet of newspaper. There were some marks on the surface of the paper.
①  turned
②  set
③  held
④  ran
【单选题】 ——May I put my luggage on the seat beside you, sir? ——____.
①  Sure,withpleasure
②  Okay,pleaseyourself
③  Well,nevermind
④  Yes,helpyourself
【单选题】 03. I promised to look_________ the matter as soon as I got there.
①  for
②  in
③  into
④  after
【单选题】 10. After a three-hour heated discussion, all the members in the jury reached the conclusions that the man was_________ of murder.
①  criminal
②  charged
③  guilty
④  faulty
【单选题】 09. The chemical factory was demolished _________ protecting the environment.
①  inspiteof
②  inhonorof
③  infavorof
④  inthenameof
【单选题】 06. He spoke so quickly that I didn t _________ what he said.
①  makefor
②  makesure
③  makeover
④  makeout