First please be ( ) during your travel,otherwise we will waste time.
on time
in time
at the time
by the time
【单选题】 Dont waste your time on these ( ) things.
①  trivial
②  triviality
③  trivialize
④  small
【单选题】 It is a waste of time ____with such a silly fellow.
①  trying to reason
②  tried to reason
③  for trying to reason
④  to trying reasoning
【单选题】 _______ all your time on this problem is not suitable.
①  Spending
②  To spend
③  Spend
【单选题】 We started out early in order that we ____ there in time.
①  would get
②  ought get
③  should get
④  had to
【单选题】 I think I ( ) something the first time around.
①  must have missed
②  must miss
③  would miss
④  should have missed
【单选题】 Time is your most ( ) resource, especially in examination.
①  valuable
②  valueless
③  values
④  available
【单选题】 We must ( ) the express items arrives in time.
①  assure
②  sure
③  ensure
④  certify
【单选题】 23.____time we had at the dinner party !
①  Howwonderful
②  Whatawonderfultime
③  Howawonderfultime
④  Whatwonderfultime
【单选题】 Ill____ him off this time but next time hell be punished.
①  leave
②  let
③  set
④  put
【单选题】 The ( ) news is that work can be fun any time we put human first, everything else second.
①  bad
②  good
③  new
④  neutral
【单选题】 下列中成药中孕妇禁用,尤其驾驶员及高空作业者慎用的是()。
①  清暑益气丸
②  六一散
③  桑菊感冒颗粒
④  甘露消毒丸
⑤  十滴水(软胶囊)
【单选题】 可治疗中老年人、病后产后等虚性便秘的通便类药物是()。
①  通乐颗粒
②  便秘通
③  清宁丸
④  苁蓉通便口服液
⑤  通便灵胶囊
【单选题】 症见身热烦躁、目赤口疮、咽喉及牙龈肿痛、大便秘结、咯血、衄血等。中医辨证为火毒血热所致。建议选用的中成药是()。
①  黄连上清片
②  清胃黄连丸
③  板蓝根颗粒
④  龙胆泻肝丸
⑤  一清颗粒
【单选题】 具有温中和胃功效的常用中成药是()。
①  四逆汤
②  小建中合剂
③  香砂养胃颗粒(丸)
④  良附丸
⑤  香砂平胃丸(颗粒)
【单选题】 既能够止嗽定喘,又能够益气补肺的中成药是()。
①  苏子降气丸
②  人参保肺丸
③  蛤蚧定喘丸
④  固本喘咳片
⑤  降气定喘丸
【单选题】 服用时,应该用淡盐水送服的常用中成药是()。
①  四神丸(片)
②  固本益肠片
③  玉屏风胶囊
④  金锁固精丸
⑤  缩泉丸
【单选题】 越鞠丸的功能是()。
①  疏肝理脾,透解郁热
②  理气解郁,宽中除满
③  理气消胀,和胃止痛
④  疏肝理气,消胀止痛
⑤  行气化湿,健脾和胃
【单选题】 主治寒凝气滞、心脉不通所致胸痹的成药是()。
①  元胡止痛片
②  速效救心丸
③  心可舒胶囊
④  血府逐瘀口服液
⑤  冠心苏合滴丸
【单选题】 益心舒胶囊的功能除益气复脉,活血化瘀外,还具有的功能是()。
①  行气止痛
②  养阴生津
③  通络止痛
④  祛风化痰
⑤  清心安神
【单选题】 天麻钩藤颗粒的功能是()。
①  疏风活血、通络止痛
②  平肝息风、清热安神
③  平肝潜阳、醒脑安神
④  理气解郁、宽中除满
⑤  平肝息风、镇心安神