Guangdong food is heavy and greasy.
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Each explorer took large amounts of equipments, food and other suppliers.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 It rained heavy yesterday.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Chinese big cuisines are Sichuan cuisines Guangdong cuisine, Beijing cuisine and Huaiyang cuisine.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Sichuan food is hot and spicy.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A ___________ asks people for money or food .
①  worker
②  soldier
③  beggar
④  doctor
【单选题】 If he ___ he ___ that food.
①  was warned; would not take
②  had been warned; would not have taken
③  would be warned; had not taken
④  would have been warned; had not taken
【单选题】 The rain was heavy and ____ the land was flooded.
①  consequently
②  continuously
③  constantly
④  consistently
【判断题】 I’m not used to spicy food.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 They _______ lots of food and drinks to the poor.
①  sent
②  were sent
③  send
④  were sending
【单选题】 The service was terrible and______ the food.
①  so as to
②  so was
③  so as
④  so that
【单选题】 血脂不溶于水,必须与特殊的蛋白质即 结合形成脂蛋白才能溶于血液
①  载脂蛋白
②  脂蛋白
③  血红蛋白
④  白蛋白
【单选题】 乳糜微粒是
①  载脂蛋白
②  脂蛋白
③  胆固醇
④  类脂
【单选题】 早发冠心病家族史是指下列哪种情况?
①  男性发病<55岁
②  女性发病<60岁
③  女性发病<55岁
④  男性发病<60岁
【单选题】 下列是首要干预血脂指标的是
①  非·HDL-C
②  LDL-C
③  TG
④  LP(a)
【单选题】 痛风关节炎一般治疗包括
①  休息
②  多饮水(2000ml/天)
③  碱化尿液
④  关节局部冷敷
⑤  以上均是
【单选题】 目前确诊痛风关节炎的金标准是
①  第一跖趾关节肿痛
②  关节滑液或痛风结节抽吸物发现尿酸晶体
③  高尿酸血症
④  秋水仙碱治疗有效
【单选题】 与高尿酸血症不相关的疾病有
①  痛风
②  尿酸性尿路结石
③  类风湿关节炎
④  动脉粥样硬化
【单选题】 下列关于出现合并症的急性痛风关节炎的处理原则叙述错误的是
①  痛风关节炎急性发作(合并糖尿病):非甾体抗炎药
②  合并肾功能不全:糖皮质激素
③  合并高血压:慎用激素
④  合并冠心病:慎用激素
【单选题】 下列哪些饮食影响血尿酸?
①  酒类(啤酒、白酒、红酒)
②  咖啡、茶
③  含糖饮料
④  奶制品
⑤  以上均是
【单选题】 处理中央椎管狭窄最佳的微创手术是
②  MED
③  UBE