Waiters and waitress, cab drivers, hotel bellboys or doormen, barbers and hair dress and all sorts of other such people must ( )
be tipped
【多选题】 They all believed that Europeans were_____________ other people.
①  larger than
②  easier than
③  better than
④  superior to
【单选题】 The hotel has special ( ) for disabled people.
①  system
②  tools
③  help
④  facilities
【单选题】 A quarter is enough of a tip for taxi-drivers. Many airports, train or bus stations now ( ) a fixed 35C to carry each bag you have
①  spend
②  cost
③  charge
④  give
【单选题】 In china, people can pay their hotel bills in cash, by credit cards or with( )
①  check
②  money
③  travel checks
④  traveler’s checks
【单选题】 Europeans believed that they weresuperior ____________ other people.
①  than
②  to
③  with
④  at
【单选题】 After the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made ______ all sorts of awkward questions.
①  answer
②  answering
③  answered
④  to answer
【单选题】 All the mobile phones must______ before the meeting starts.
①  be turning off
②  turn off
③  be turn off
④  be turned off
【判断题】 People attending the convention generate less business in hotel’s restaurants, bars and shops.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as ____ all other animals on the earth.
①  are
②  is
③  have
④  do
【单选题】 We must ( ) that all patients have access to high quality care.
①  ensure
②  award
③  grant
④  challenge
【单选题】 反复应用药物后,人体对药物的敏感性降低
①  习惯性
②  成瘾性
③  依赖性
④  耐受性
⑤  抗药性
【单选题】 关于insulin的临床适应证错误的是
②  NIDDM用口服降糖药未能控制者
③  伴肥胖的2型糖尿病
④  酮症酸中毒
⑤  合并高热、妊娠、严重感染的各型糖尿病
【单选题】 喹诺酮类药物的作用机理是抑制细菌
①  依赖DNA的RNA多聚酶
②  二氢叶酸合成酶
③  胸苷酸合成酶
④  DNA回旋酶
⑤  二氢叶酸还原酶
【单选题】 与青霉素类相比,头孢菌素类抗生素的特点不包括:
①  抗菌谱广
②  杀菌力强
③  对β-内酰胺酶较稳定
④  过敏反应少
⑤  肾脏毒性小
【单选题】 男,72岁。反复咳嗽,咳痰30年,加重伴发热1周,脓血痰,量多而稠,胸片示右上叶大片状阴影,内有岛形多个小空腔,水平裂呈向下弧形,痰培养有金黄色葡萄球菌。治疗应选择:
①  阿米卡星
②  万古霉素
③  阿米卡星+氨苄西林
④  阿米卡星+红霉素
⑤  青霉素G
【单选题】 副作用是在下述哪种剂量时产生的不良反应
①  治疗量
②  无效量
③  极量
④  LD50
⑤  中毒量
【单选题】 The drug of choice for the treatment of allergic shock is
①  Phentolamine
②  Atropine
③  Adrenaline
④  Isoprenaline
【单选题】 可用于防止nitroglycerin产生耐受性的药物是( )
①  噻吗洛尔
②  captopril
③  地尔硫卓
④  硝苯吡啶
⑤  吲哚洛尔
【单选题】 关于万古霉素的描述错误的是:
①  仅抗G+菌
②  可用于MRSA所致感染
③  对β-内酰胺类抗生素过敏的患者可用
④  耳肾毒性较大
⑤  易引起伪膜性肠炎
【单选题】 chlorpromazine引起的血压下降不能用什么药来纠正
①  麻黄碱
②  Adr
③  去氧肾上腺素
④  间羟胺
⑤  NA