( )是国家建材局标准。
【单选题】 ( )是国家级专业标准。
①  JG
②  GB
③  JC
④  ZEI
【单选题】 国家标准用( )来表示。
①  JG
②  GB
③  JC
④  ZEI
【单选题】 国家标准GB2312-80共收集常用汉字______个。
①  3755
②  6763
③  3008
④  6755
【单选题】 国家标准(GB2893—82)中规定的四种安全色是( )。
①  红、青、黄、绿
②  白、蓝、黄、绿
③  红、蓝、黑、绿
④  红、蓝、黄、绿
【判断题】 绿色建材又称生态建材,环保建材。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 GB/T 1.1是“标准的标准”,是编写我国各级各类标准的依据。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 国家标准《机械制图 图样画法 图线》(GB/T 4457.4—2002)规定了( )种线宽
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【单选题】 我国制定的用于计算机汉字处理的国家标准GB2312-80,又被称为( )。
①  输入码
②  国标码
③  机内码
④  字形码
【单选题】 《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》为国家标准,编号为GB/T50353-2013,自()起实施。
①  2014年7月1日
②  2013年7月1日
③  2013年1月1日
④  2014年1月1日
【单选题】 根据国家标准《建筑施工场界环境噪声排放标准》GB 12523—2011的要求,建筑施工过程中夜间场界环境噪声排放限值是()dB。
①  70
②  65
③  60
④  55
【判断题】 As a realist, Mark Twain concerned particularly about the local character of a region, which came about as “Local Colorism”.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 The first American writer of local color to achieve wide popularity was Bret Harte.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The end of ______ marked the beginning of The Gilded Age, an age of excess and extremes, of decline and progress, of poverty and dazzling wealth, of gloom and hope.
①  the American War of Independence
②  World War I
③  World War II
④  The Civil War
【单选题】 In Henry James’ The Portrait of A Lady, the author tries to portray the young woman as an embodiment of ______.
①  the force of convention
②  the free spirit of the New World
③  the decline of aristocracy
④  the corruption of the newly rich
【单选题】 In his masterpiece The Portrait of A Lady, Henry James _________.
①  incarnates the clash between the Old World and the New in the life journey of an American girl in a European cultural environment
②  tells a story about a young and innocent American confronting the complexity of the European life as well as the American society
③  describes a young American girl who gets “killed” by the winter in Rome
④  tells about some Europeans who learn with difficulty to adapt themselves to the American life
【单选题】 At the middle of 19th century, America witnessed a cultural flowering which is called “_____”.
①  the English Renaissance
②  the Second Renaissance
③  the American Renaissance
④  the Salem Renaissance
【单选题】 In Dreiser’s Sister Carrie, which of the following statements is NOT true about the characters in the story?
①  At the end of the story, Hurstwood’sfamily are enjoying a happy life without him.
②  Being unable to make a decent living, Hurstwood at last commits suicide.
③  In spite of her success as a famous actress Carrie does not feel happy.
④  Carrie becomes rich and helps Hurstwood out of his difficulty.
【单选题】 Which of the following is not written by Henry James?
①  Daisy Miller
②  The Wings of the Dove
③  The American
④  Self-Reliance
【单选题】 Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by ________.
①  highly refined language
②  ordinary American speech
③  short, clear sentences
④  abundance of local images
【单选题】 The first American writer of local color to achieve wide popularity was?____.
①  Bret Harte
②  Mark Twain
③  Henry James
④  William Dean Howells