菜单编辑器中,下列( )选项用于设置菜单栏上显示的文本。

【单选题】 菜单编辑器中,输入( )选项可在菜单栏上显示文本。
①  名称
②  标题
③  索引
④  访问键
【单选题】 在使用菜单编辑器设计菜单时,必须输入的项是?
①  快捷键
②  标题
③  索引
④  名称
【单选题】 CorelDRAW的菜单栏有()个菜单
①  11
②  12
③  13
④  14
【单选题】 PowerPoint中,用自选图形在幻灯片中添加文本时,在菜单栏中选哪个菜单开始( )
①  视图
②  插入
③  格式
④  工具
【单选题】 PowerPoint中,用自选图形在幻灯片中添加文本时,在菜单栏中选哪个菜单开始( )
①  视图
②  插入
③  格式
④  工具
【单选题】 下列不属于CorelDRAW的菜单栏的是()
①  文件
②  编辑
③  复制
④  视图
【单选题】 AutoCAD?2008工作界面主要由标题栏、菜单栏、工具栏、绘图窗口、状态栏和( ?)?等组成。
①  工作空间
②  命令行
③  面板
④  文本窗口
【单选题】 PowerPoint中,创建表格时,要从菜单栏中的哪一个菜单进入( )
①  视图
②  插入
③  格式
④  工具
【单选题】 PowerPoint中,创建表格时,要从菜单栏中的哪一个菜单进入( )
①  视图
②  插入
③  格式
④  工具
【单选题】 卸载菜单栏以后,可以在( )对话框中装载。
①  【菜单自定义】对话框
②  【草图设置】对话框
③  【选项】对话框
④  【自定义】对话框
【单选题】 It was clear that much of what he said was far ____ the truth.
①  for
②  from
③  at
④  to
【单选题】 She is studying medical science now, but she ____ a lawyer.
①  would be
②  used to be
③  formerly were
④  had been
【单选题】 I wonder what he does for a ____.
①  life
②  live
③  liveing
④  living
【单选题】 ____ it was finished in time.?
①  As the work was difficult ?
②  Difficult as the work was?
③  Difficult as was the work ?
④  As was the work difficult?
【单选题】 When we came back, he found his bicycle ____
①  was stolen
②  had stolen
③  had been stolen
④  is stolen
【单选题】 ____ his illness, he came to the meeting.
①  Though
②  Because
③  Despite
④  Therefore
【单选题】 The doctors give the students a medical____ for their health once a year.
①  inspection
②  investigation
③  experiment
④  examination
【单选题】 6. The company ____ that their product “makes you thin without dieting”.
①  claims
②  demands
③  collects
④  allows
【单选题】 He ____the tears on her face when he heard the relatives walking into the room.
①  put off
②  came out
③  wiped away
④  move on
【单选题】 This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should ____ last week.
①  be fixed
②  have fixed
③  fix
④  have been fixed